#i am ribbing him right now half of our relationship was us ribbing each other
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helluvamystery · 8 days ago
I got some of my late uncle's jackets this weekend, which means I also inherited the secret cigarette stash that he thought he was hiding from everyone
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saras-devotionals · 5 months ago
Quiet Time 9/3
What am I feeling today?
So grateful!! A year ago today I made Jesus Lord of my life and was baptized for the forgiveness of my sins! I can’t believe I’ve gotten to spend a whole year with God already and I’m just in awe of how much He has absolutely transformed my life!
Bible Plan: Rethinking Love and Romance
Let’s take a look at the first loving relationship in Scripture.
In Genesis 1, God speaks creation into existence. We are then transported to a garden filled with trees, rivers, and animals (Gen. 2). Over and over, the authors show God declaring his creation “good” (Hebrew: tov), that is, until he sees the human (Hebrew: adam) alone. Now the authors introduce a problem—an intentional literary design move—as they show God saying it is “not good” for the human to be alone (Gen. 2:18). But why?
God solves the problem by first dividing Adam in half (Gen. 2:21). We often talk about this as though God took a rib from Adam and created Eve with it, but the Hebrew word tsela (often translated as “rib”) is never used as an anatomical term in any other passage in Scripture. Outside of Genesis 2, the word is mainly used to describe the architecture of the tabernacle or temple (e.g., Exod. 25-38; 1 Kgs. 6-7; Ezek. 41). The biblical authors use tsela to refer to the two halves of the ark of the covenant, the two halves of the temple, and the two halves of the new Jerusalem. So God’s creation of Eve is a process of dividing Adam in half and then building Eve from one side of him. We get a portrait of two humans, each one half of a united whole, deeply dependent on the other. Adam's goodness and life depends on Eve, and hers depends on his.
Then God calls this woman an ‘ezer kenegdo. The Hebrew word ‘ezer might be translated as “help,” but it does not mean what we might assume. An ‘ezer is not a lesser “assistant” or “helper” as much as it is someone who plays the mutual role of an “indispensable other,” a strong and wise guide, without whom the intended good cannot happen. The only other character in the Bible given this title (‘ezer) is God himself. Not your average helper, right?
For the second Hebrew word, kenegdo, we might use a metaphor of mirroring to get to the core idea. A helpful paraphrase of Genesis 2:18 might be: “It is not good for the human to be solitary. I will make one who can deliver him from his inability to fulfill the divine commission alone, one who mirrors him.”
The biblical authors are presenting this bonded, united relationship between two people as God’s good design for humanity. The “one flesh” of Genesis 2:24 transcends the union of the sexual act (though that is one way the one flesh unity may be experienced). So how is this idea different from the “you complete me” sentiment?
Adam and Eve "complete" one another—not by satisfying each other’s personal desires but by becoming unbreakable partners who seek the other's well-being. Today’s popular understanding of romance rarely gets past the "satisfy my desires" sense of love. But the authors of Genesis describe this “unbreakable partners” sense of love as a foundation for human flourishing and tov—the goodness and right-functioning of creation itself.
In the final verse of Genesis 2, we discover that the man and woman were naked and unashamed—an image of pure trust, openness, vulnerability, and safety. When one is genuinely unified with another, there is no need for self-protection or projection of a false self. In their most vulnerable state, the man and woman were at rest. They had nothing to hide, no secrets or lies between them, no power grabs, hierarchies, or abuse. Instead, they had a portrait of love at peace.
In today’s video, explore God's plan for Adam and Eve (and all humanity) to serve as royal priests over all creation.
This is such an incredible explanation of our purposes as man and woman and how we are meant to equally help each other grow. Though men may be head of the household, as women we are not inferior to them or simply meant to fulfill their desires. The true purpose of their love and connection is to guide one another in the relationship with God.♥️
Genesis 1:26-28 NIV
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.””
I always think about this in terms of “let us make mankind in our image” but then right after it says God created mankind in His own image. It’s just a little interesting nugget but regardless of what it means, we must see and acknowledge that God knew exactly what He was doing when He made us, He was very purposeful with it and He blessed us.
Genesis 2 NIV
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
Just a fun little reminder that God literally breathed life into us!!!
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
It’s interesting to me that God first formed Adam and then placed him in the garden of Eden. Also that there were two trees by name in the middle of the garden!
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.””
So important! But He never said anything about the tree of life and I have always been intrigued by that. What would have happened if they ate from that instead?
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.””
From the previous context we know that helper means so much more than an assistant but a true partner and God is so intentional with the fact that we’re not meant to be alone!
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”
This is actually so sweet to me. That God brought all the animals to Adam and just allowed him to name them whatever he wanted and that was that. It truly reminds me of something a father would do for their child and I find it so endearing🥹
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭22‬-‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
There is a purity to love and romance in the way that God intended! Our world and Satan has corrupted it so much since the beginning but we must be reminded that we are meant to be with each other and love each other (in terms of romance, please remember to keep things within the confines of a marriage!)
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sab3rto0thed · 2 years ago
everything always screamed.
i don’t want this to be a story. when i was fourteen, i joined my high school’s drama club. we had a very complicated relationships, that club and me. when i finally learned how to commit again, i sat on the bare stage and thumbed through my old stitches. everyone made me flinch, though you would never have known. i was the greatest actor of my year.
i pressed the pads of my thumbs against each other. i paced. i stuck my mic pack to my underwear, peeked out behind the curtain. my fingers trembled. i recited lines. afterwards, my friends brought me flowers and chocolate. i looked like an idiot. i was not used to ever being much of anything. i didn’t know how to be a person.
i thumbed through my stitches on the stage. ash sat next to me. they didn’t know what they were saying, but they spoke anyway. “it’s augie, isn’t it?”
i stared up at the stage lights. my fingernails were like little knives. my teeth were like blades. i was ridiculous, a spectacle. i could get away with it. i always did.
augie had dug his fingers into the hollow where my ribs ended. he had slung his arm around my neck. his mouth was always warm. his skin was like the ocean. we loved each other for two reckless years. i was like a car crash by the end of it. i was covered in glass.
“yes,” i said. it was augie. there was no one here to hold me anymore. there was no one that got it. i wasn’t sure anyone ever would again. when i would miss a lot of school, augie would always be there. “we missed our freshman,” he would say. when i got bad, he would pull me into a hug. “i am glad that you’re here.”
i don’t think about that kind of thing anymore. 
it was more than augie, actually. there were no shows without noah. for a long time, the way the earth tilted when he was in the room was my only reason for existence. i drifted, aimless and indistinct. i was never indifferent to him. it was over as soon as i met him.
i’ve had people ask me on dates. i smile at them quite sadly. i tell them that i’m not looking for anything. that’s not true. it’s just that they’re not noah. it’s an impossible equation. we stuck together in the backseat of his ex-girlfriend’s car. when she hit the gas, both of our bodies jolted the same way. one night, i told him everything. he told me everything, too.
after ashley asked me out, she said, “it’s noah, isn’t it?”
“no,” i told her, lying through my teeth. of course it was noah. everyone knew.
during my last year of high school, i did drama club again. i hated most of my companions. i wasn’t sure if i hated them because they were like me when i had been their age or because they weren’t. i think maybe it was both. two years before, it was izzy watching him put his hand on my stomach. she looked at me the same way i looked at these kids.
i’m not like izzy, though. i don’t save lives.
i looked right through them. they said, “it’s shelby, isn’t it? it’s allie.” i just stared through their heads, studying the wall. they tried everything. i was unshakeable. i didn’t belong there. i never had, but it was only then that i was able to accept it.
“yeah,” i said. “it is them.”
i left and i didn’t go back.
during the school year, i would pace the halls. sometimes nothing felt safe. i would walk out in the middle of class and my brain would shut down. i would only register my existence when i was curled up in a stairwell, counting tiles. 
nothing ever felt safe. the year before that, i had spaces. i was too angry now, too vicious. i did not trust anyone or anything. it wasn’t anyone.
last year, school had ended. i asked, “it’s god, isn’t it?”
“yeah,” my english teacher said. he gave me a very sad, very sober look. sometimes it was devastating to be known. often it was devastating to be known.
when i graduated, it didn’t really feel real. i didn’t talk to anyone because nothing was sacred. a month and a half later, before my friends went off to college and i went off to god knows what, i laid on shelby’s bedroom floor and cried. it was pathetic. she and allie never left the room. 
i had not believed in god for years. i don’t know if i do. i am a deeply devoted cynic, and i have believed in nothing for so long, i don’t know how to believe in something.
i keep asking myself, “it’s god, isn’t it?”
i don’t know if it’s god. i don’t know what it is. i am just like the moon, formless, ever changing.
what i do know is that i finally found something to believe in.
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jkstompers · 3 years ago
a royal engagement | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: the rough ground against his clothed knee doesn’t matter anymore when he sees the sweetest smile on your face. everything is perfect.
genre: arranged marriage but they wanna do it right!, best friends to lovers, royalty!au, FLUFF, crown princess!oc, prince!jk, surprises!, jk believes in soulmates confirmed, oc is so in love, perhaps jk flexes how rich he is in this ~(˘▾˘~)
warnings: mentions of sex, sexual tension, more talk of exes (both jk and oc’s), they both talk about losing their virginity, mild jealousy, mentions of menstrual cycles, a little bit of lip locking action
word count: 11.1k
author’s note: ♡ happy jungkook day! ♡ this chapter spans over a week and a half-ish! also i made a little oopsies in the last chapter when i said that oc had only been back in raemor for a week… it’s actually been a month since she’s left the city. i’m sorry about that! i changed it on an arrangement already, but i just figured it out when i was editing this chapter. other than that, i’m so excited for this series and i hope u all enjoy!! pls lmk what u think! ღ'ᴗ'ღ 
banner pic creds here! <3
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jungkook had the utmost faith in you.
there was something in him that always knew that the love the two of you had ran way deeper than a friendship— probably more than a relationship too. it was something like a soul tie. something the stars created before the earth was ever created. two beings that were always meant to be together, in every universe, in every time before and after this. jungkook held his hope in that. his trust that the love the two of you forged was strong enough to pull you out of your room and into his arms before the plane took off.
the war between your head and your heart ended in a stalemate. you were fighting against something that you knew in your heart you wanted. your brain couldn’t make any more excuses to go against it when jungkook laid his heart out on the floor for you. you’d already made your decision before you went to sleep— before you even left jungkook’s grasp. but you were one for the dramatics.
the sound of the plane landing woke you, you were afraid you were too late. thinking that you slept in during a moment that could decide the rest of your life, you ran. bare feet smacking against the cold floor of the castle, before you eventually made it out to the garden and then the royal runway.
the sound of your voice that morning set it in stone. that jungkook will never love another the way he does you.
“jungkook!” you called out.
he was just about to board the plane for fenutar, jungkook and his advisors huddled into a circle to talk about customs and special etiquette since it’s been a while since he’s last visited. your shout interrupted the conversation. jungkook turned around immediately at the familiar voice.
the sight of you running through the cold, wet grass in your sleep wear with a winter coat and no shoes on. it makes his heart swell, with both love and worry. more so worry. “princess? what are you doing out here?! it’s freezing and you’re not even wearing the right clothes—”
you cut him off as you crash into his body for a tight hug. it felt right, it always did. “am i too late?” you ask, face snuggled into his warm chest.
he shakes his head, a little laugh accompanying the words. “you’re just in time.”
now, jungkook and you lay in your bed, staring up at the ceiling together. since seven in the morning, the two of you have just been talking about everything and nothing. mostly just appreciating each others presence. time passed quickly and it was almost time for everyone to start getting ready for breakfast. “so... how should we tell everyone? over breakfast?” you asked, pulling yourself on his chest and resting your cheek against his ribs.
he smiles at you. “sure, i heard they’re serving waffles, donuts— you know, sweet stuff.”
“and wouldn’t our news be so sweet?” you grinned. he laughs and you can feel his chest rise and fall under your head, the sound of his laughter just up against your ear. “should we go now?”
you move to get up, but jungkook stops you, placing a hand on your waist. “let’s stay here for a little bit longer.” he suggests, moving his hand up to run through your hair. “aren’t you tired from your dramatic show of affection this morning?” laughing as his fingers card through the strands of your hair. he combats your glare with a tender massage to your scalp. remembering how you’d always fall asleep whenever he did, and it worked. your eyelids fell and you melt against jungkook as he continues to rub your scalp gently.
love wasn’t scary. times like this, when it’s just you and jungkook; no expectations, no titles, no responsibilities. it’s just love. it wasn’t terrifying, it’s not painful. well, maybe it is sometimes. like how your heart beats out of your chest whenever jungkook looks at you, eyes glistening with admiration. like when you smile at jungkook and he feels like he could burst at any second just from the sight of you. love is hard to explain. love is whatever you make it out to be. and right now, love is in the curve of jungkook’s lips when he smiles at you. love is in the palm of your hand when you reach out to hold him.
the sound of the knocks on the door doesn’t register until the second round of taps. “princess, it is time for breakfast.” you hear from behind the door.
you sit up. “i’ll be right out!” trying to get out of bed but jungkook pulls you back.
“uh-uh,” he tsks. “you’re not dressed.” you furrow your eyebrows before you look down at what you’re wearing. a slip dress, the one you wore to sleep to be specific. “i won’t look, don’t worry.” he laughs, scooting himself up on your bed and covering his face with one of your pillows. he ignores how nice it smells, just like that shampoo he really likes. you bought it back in the city, raemor doesn’t have shampoos that smell like this.
he hears you rustle around in your closet before he hears a faint zip. “wait— jungkook, how does this look?”
the pillow is pulled away from his face and his eyes lay on you. with a colorful sundress draped on your body. it flows and compliments your skin beautifully. you’re beautiful. god, you’re gorgeous. asking jungkook for his opinion wouldn’t help, he’s biased. you’re pretty in his eyes no matter what you wear. “that— yeah, it’s— you look great.” he stumbles over his words.
“cat’s got your tongue?” you tease. in retaliation, jungkook ruffles up your hair a bit, making you groan and spend another five minutes in front of the mirror to fix it. meanwhile, jungkook pulls himself off the bed and straightens his outfit out, opting to leave his jacket off since it was toasty in the castle. he still looks proper and handsome with his white button up and dress pants on. for the last touch, you dig through your jewelry box, knowing that it has to be somewhere in there.
then there it was, at the bottom, tangled with a necklace from your mother, was the friendship bracelet jungkook gave you when you were twelve at the lantern festival. a dainty gold chain with a flower embellishment on it, signifying the promise the two of you made. he watches from afar when you put it on, trying to hide his surprise. “you still have it?”
you nod, “you don’t?”
“i do.” he assures. “i just didn’t think you’d remember it after all this time.”
you scoff playfully, walking towards him. ���of course i remember,” linking your arm with his. “i remember everything.”
with that, the two of you step out of your room and down to the dining hall. they were expecting you, but not jungkook. the shock on everyone’s faces was evident. your parents, clementine, your ladies, venus, even blue. it was a good surprise though. both of your parents had to hide their big smiles behind their napkins. the staff kindly added another chair next to you for jungkook to sit down in. no one spoke up about it, if they wanted to ask, they kept their mouths shut. the two of you enjoy a delicious breakfast without any interference from any of the advisors.
but someone had to say it, and you were happy that it was going to be you.
you let out a cough before standing up, holding a glass of water and clinking your knife against it gently to grab everyone's attention. it only took a few seconds for all eyes to land on you. “jungkook and i have come to the conclusion that we will marry.” you announce.
the hall is overjoyed. cheers coming from your parents, smiles being sent your way from blue and your ladies. even the advisors, the most stern and inexpressive people you know (except for venus) crack a little smile at the news. “but—” you begin. silence quickly takes over the room. “only on jungkook and i’s terms.”
there is a bit of confusion amongst the crowd. so clementine is quick to ask, “and what are those terms, your highness?”
one. “jungkook and i will wed next year, when spring begins.”
two. “both of us will plan the wedding, with help of others, but the main parts will be orchestrated by the two of us.”
three. “there will be no talk of an heir until we are ready.”
“deal!” both yours and jungkook’s parents say as soon as you’re done talking.
“then it is settled! prince jungkook and princess ___ will wed next spring!” clementine announces to the hall and cheers erupt through the room once more.
jungkook stands and gives you a tight hug. the moment is all too perfect, the joyous chatter of everyone around you and the warm embrace of the one you love wrapped around you. it’s something you’ve dreamed of. “i won’t let you down, princess.” he promises you, in your ear, only for you to hear.
“i’ll be the best husband this world has ever seen.”
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a good husband has to be honest.
jungkook has something to tell you, and he isn’t sure how to word it. he’s scared you’ll be turned off by it. it is a pretty serious topic, so he needs to say it, or else he would feel the guilt start to build in his stomach. then before he knows it, it’ll spill all out. so it’s better to nip the bud. get it done before it becomes a bigger problem.
the two of you were having a sleepover tonight. it’s the first one you guys had since you’ve been back. jungkook brought all the fancy snacks that his mother packed along with some drinks, while you had your contraband: face masks and matching pajamas for the both of you.
he looks funny with his peel off mask drying on his face. you told him not to make any facial expressions or else it wouldn’t work. jungkook’s been pulling a straight face for ten minutes while watching elle woods destroy chutney in the courtroom.
he couldn’t have chosen a worse time to speak up about it, but it’s been eating at him for long enough. “i have to tell you something.” he says out of nowhere. you look at him, trying not to react with your face. his serious tone makes you want to burst out into laughter, it was just so out of place.
but he looks somber, like how he looks when something’s bothering him. you swallow the urge to laugh and just nod. “you can tell me while i peel this mask off your face, deal?” you ask, moving closer and picking at the edge of the mask.
you wait patiently until he spills whatever he needs to say, but he looks a little distracted by the feeling of the face mask being peeled off. he’s already nervous, he tells himself not to get side tracked. so he just spits it out. “i’m not a virgin.”
well. that was one way to start a conversation.
you try not to show your shock, but your eyebrows were already raised and now your facemask is stuck to itself. “oh— oh my god, jungkook,” you laugh, covering your mouth. “do you want a high-five or something?” you can’t hold back the laughter anymore. you raise your hand up and wait for him to reciprocate.
if you were being honest, it did make you a little jealous. you wondered who he lost it to. it was probably jieun. did he love her? enough to want to lose his virtue to her? while the questions run through your mind, he returns the high-five, taking you out of the downward spiral of queries. you weren’t angry at him. there wasn’t an agreement between the two of you that you’d take each other’s virginities. jealousy is unforgiving, because you knew there was no reason to be mad but you still felt the stupid pang in your heart.
you finish taking his mask off, expertly in one piece. jungkook waits for you as you throw it in the trash. he’s still silent, not really knowing what else to say. he was waiting for an argument, in all honesty. but you’re smiling, seemingly unaffected by his confession. “do you wanna help me take off mine?” you ask him, sitting back on the bed, facing him.
he nods, picking at the edge and trying to do exactly what you did. “you’re not upset?” he asks, pulling the mask off of your face. maybe you were, but you weren’t going to tell him. it’s in the past, what matters is now, and he’s here with you now. you couldn’t be too mad.
maybe you should be honest too. you shake your head, “of course not, i’m not a virgin either.” this conversation only proves that there was no need to hide when it came to jungkook. you admired him for speaking up about it first too, even though you aren’t exactly sure why.
jungkook successfully took your mask off in one piece as well, discarding it into the trash can. you tell him that the two of you have to wash your faces to get the tiny pieces off and he follows you into the bathroom. responding with a, “really?” and a raise of his eyebrows.
you turn the water on and splash him a little bit. “are you trying to say i’m too ugly to get laid, jeon?!” you glare.
jungkook backtracks, “no— no! you’re pretty— really pretty— i just— i didn’t know what to say.”
you roll your eyes playfully. rinsing your face with water and making sure your face is entirely clean from the mask before stepping aside and drying your face off, allowing jungkook to have his turn. “who’d you lose it to?” you asked. despite probably already knowing the answer, you just had to make sure.
“uh—” he starts, looking at you through the mirror. his eyes flicker back down to the stream of water when he answers, “jieun.”
of course. you let out a little laugh, stepping closer and nudging his side with your elbow. “congratulations, dude.” at least he told you, at least he was honest. that’s all that matters. jealousy can play it’s part later. after the sleepover.
“what about you?” jungkook asks when he finishes drying his face off. he wants to know, but at the same time he doesn’t. curiosity gets the best of everyone.
“my ex-boyfriend,” you answer nonchalantly. “min yoongi.”
“boyfriend…” he exaggerates. pursing his lips and nodding, the same jealousy you felt earlier coursing through his veins now. “that’s nice— congratulations.” he says, copying what you said. an awkward silence comes between the two of you, in turn, making the two of you laugh out loud. clutching your stomach type of laugh.
“why did you bring it up in the first place?” you question. curious as to why he would need to speak up about his sexual past.
“well, i just wanted to tell you because— i don’t know— when it happened, you were the first one i wanted to tell, and i know it’s too much information but we always talked about stuff like this— like remember when you told me when you got your first period?” he begins to ramble again. a cute habit of his.
you cringe at the mention, but you remember it so well. jungkook was so worried for you, he did all the research he could on menstrual cycles; asked his parents about it, looked online, asked his advisors, and even the doctors that come around the palace for check-ups. with all the advice he got, he showed up in front of your door with a big basket of your favorite sweets, literally every menstrual product ever produced (he wasn’t sure which one you used so he brought all), and other random things like flowers, just to be extra nice. you ended up crying in his arms because of how lovely the gesture was. it showed what kind of person jungkook was. meticulous, caring, and just so sweet.
“you’re right.” the trip down memory lane was delightful, as it always is whenever it comes to him. “but what… about us?” you asked. the question seemed random, but whenever you travel down memory lane with jungkook, you’re always reminded of the feelings that you had and still do have for jungkook. being on this topic makes you wonder: did he bring this up because he wants to have sex and wants to be transparent about how many partners he’s had?
“what do you mean? what about us?” he asks. his eyebrows are furrowed and you can tell he doesn’t understand.
the question shouldn’t have made you hesitate the way you did, but now you’re trying to find the words to backtrack. “i— um,” your smile fades a little. expecting you and jungkook to jump into a relationship was unrealistic, let alone having sex. “nothing.” you shake your head.
jungkook can somehow read your mind. he probably just picked up on context clues. “if you’re thinking about— you know— us, having sex,” he starts. “we don’t have to do anything of that sort, if you don’t want to.”
the thought is something that’s lingered in your mind for a while. same for jungkook. but neither of you will admit that. so the conversation comes to an awkward halt. you blush. “right! yeah— sure, of course.” you nod. every synonym of ‘okay’ leaves your mouth. it makes jungkook laugh, starting a domino effect and making you laugh. soon enough, the conversation was pushed aside and the two of you focused on whatever movie netflix decided to autoplay. it wasn’t long before the buzz of the tv lulled the two of you to sleep.
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“jungkook! save me!” you shout from the doors of his palace, spotting him talking to his father in the foyer. you just ran from your castle to his in hopes to outrun your chaser. jungkook’s head turns at the sound of your voice, your figure coming closer and closer.
“what? what is it?” quickly placing the papers in his hand onto the table, he rushes towards you. his face was riddled with worry as he watched you run towards him.
taking you into his arms, you hold him tightly. “venus won’t stop asking me what color the table cloths for the guests should be— please… spare me, my prince.” you fake sob into his chest.
he lets out a relieved laugh, the stress lifting away when he realized that you were just being bombarded with wedding questions again. “shouldn’t they be white?” he asks.
you look up at him in his embrace, chin against his chest, near his throat. “that’s what i said! then she started asking about the details of the cloth— like if we wanted it to be a certain type of thread, if we wanted a different colored detail woven through it— i just— why does it matter?!”
“it matters because it’s going to be the wedding of the century! now tell me, ___, white with gold detail or—” venus finally finds you after asking the guards where you went. she approaches you hurriedly and tries to shove the samples in your face, but you hide in jungkook’s chest, refusing to look at them.
“the gold detail is beautiful, venus, thank you.” jungkook answers for you. you relax against him once again. venus looks satisfied, putting her cloth samples back into her bag and walking away. with venus finally out of your hair, jungkook rubs your back gently. “wanna stay the night?” jungkook asks in your ear.
“depends.” you act like you think about it. pulling away from his embrace, looking at him with a playful glare. “do they still make those strawberry tarts i used to love?”
jungkook smiles. “i’ll ask them to bake you some right now.”
“deal.” you pinch his cheek. “hello, your majesty!” you greet his dad when you turn around. jungkook moves over to the side and tells one of his assistants to ask the kitchen to make your strawberry tarts.
jungkook’s dad gives you a bright smile. “good evening, princess.” even bowing slightly.
“you know you don’t need to do that, papa, it’s just me.” you smiled, giving him a curtsy back for the courtesy
“yes, yes, i know.” he laughs. “i’m just so glad to see you home.” opening his arms for a hug. which you move for immediately, hugging him tightly.
jungkook’s parents were always amazing to you. never making you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. “i missed you as well, you and mama jeon always make me feel at home whenever i’m here.” you express your gratitude to him.
he holds one of your hands in his. “it is your second home, ___.”
“thank you,” you grinned. when you look down, his hands are holding an entire stack of papers. it must be something important, you excuse yourself so that they could finish their business. “i’ll see you later, papa! jungkook! i’ll be in your room!”
jungkook only gives you a thumbs up as he takes his place back next to his dad. the two of them watch as you skip your way up the stairs. your figure receding as you make it to his room when jungkook’s dad speaks up once more. “she is something else, son.” patting his back with a light laugh.
jungkook laughs too. a big smile on his face when he says, “in the best way possible.”
“agreed.” he replicates the same smile that’s on his son’s face. “i’m happy for you.”
when he looks down, his father holds out the papers to verify the marriage arrangement for him to sign. your family had already signed and his parents did too, a while ago. jungkook told them that he’ll only sign after you did. then, just after breakfast when the two of you announced your agreement to the arrangement, you signed happily. it’s a little late because jungkook’s been super busy, but now, with excitement in his heart for your future together, he scribbles his signature on the line. “thanks, dad.” he says as he hands the papers back to him.
they settle the rest of their business and finish signing some more papers. after about ten minutes, jungkook is finished with all the reading and signatures. he makes his way to the kitchen and the chefs hand him a platter of strawberry tarts on the cutest serving plate. white with little red hearts that match the strawberries. a detail that jungkook knows you’ll appreciate.
with two waters in his hand and the tarts in the other, he makes his way up the stairs. hilariously, a problem arises when jungkook needs to open the door to his room. he doesn’t wanna put the stuff down and he figures that you probably can’t hear him if he knocks because the volume of the tv is leaking through the door. in the corner of his eye, jungkook can see a guard crossing the hallway. “psst!” he calls out, hoping to get his attention. the guard passes by without a second thought. a few seconds pass and he can hear the guard take a couple steps back.
soon enough, the guard pops his head into the hallway. “everything alright, your highness?” he asks.
“yes, but— do you mind opening the door for me?” he laughs awkwardly. the guard nods and rushes over, turning the knob and sliding the door open. “thanks, man, have a good night.” he smiles at the guard.
“of course— you too, your highness.” he bows before leaving him be.
when he enters the room, you’re nowhere to be seen. the tv is on and playing some scary movie from what he can tell, the background music is eerie and quite frankly creeping him out. he sets down the waters first onto his bedside table and you come out of his bathroom at the perfect time. “there you are.” he sighs. “how are you just going to play a scary movie and then make me come into an empty room?!” he cries.
you roll your eyes playfully. “my apologies, prince, i didn’t hear you come in!” sporting a hoodie and a pair of boxers stolen from jungkook’s closet, you jump into his bed and eye the beautifully plated tarts in his grasp.
jungkook tries not to get distracted by the way you look right now. so cute in his clothes. he wonders if you caught the way that he looked you up and down. when he realizes that you’ve been staring at the tarts, he refocuses and picks up one of the pastries, holding it close to your mouth “your tarts, your majesty.” when you open to take a bite, he snatches it back quickly and takes a bite himself. his face contorted in pleasure, the treat was perfect amounts sweet and sour.
“jungkook,” you deadpanned. your straight face breaks into laughter not even a second later when he holds the bitten pastry back up to your mouth. “you literally ate half of it!”
“then eat the rest of it!” he shoots back with a laugh. you roll your eyes, taking the rest of the pastry into your mouth. in turn, your lips slightly graze against his fingers. it wasn’t helping that your eyes were looking directly into jungkook’s. it was quite obvious that there was some tension here.
neither of you knew how to address moments like this.
most of the time the two of you just act like it never happened. but they’ve just been happening a little too often these days. like that one time you and jungkook almost kissed after he helped you put on a necklace. that time you and jungkook were hiding from blue; he held his hand over your mouth and the other arm tightly around your waist so you wouldn’t move or make a noise. then now, your sex eyes peering directly into his as your lips graze his fingers. yeah… it was a hard thing to talk about.
jungkook is just as confused as you when it comes to whatever the two of you were. just best friends? engaged but friends? dating? no, that wouldn’t be right. jungkook should ask you to be his girlfriend, er— fiancee, right? just because the two of you are arranged to be married doesn’t mean the two of you go from best friends to a pair of lovers just like that, even with requited feelings.
communication wasn’t a hard thing for the two of you. being best friends for twenty years does that to you. fights, the silent treatment, and even that one period of time where you swore that you’d never talk to jungkook ever again; you guys have been through it all.
it’s just that— neither of you really know how to go about it. this conversation was awkward. maybe it’s just not time to talk about it yet, jungkook thought. you were so busy these days. your advisors would pull you away from him before he even got a word in.
then when you two do get the time to spend with each other, the both of you are usually exhausted from the days you’ve had. even though the wedding was an entire year away, there was way more planning than either of you expected. everyone wants it to be perfect. which is nice in hindsight, but it does get annoying sometimes. like how venus was hounding you earlier for the choice of table cloths.
so the two of you just ignore it for now. maybe when it becomes more of a problem, you’ll talk about it with each other. but for now, it’s just something neither of you are ready to face. you chew and swallow the rest of the tart while jungkook moves into the bathroom to get ready for bed. giving the both of you enough time to calm down and gather your thoughts.
when he comes back out, you’ve eaten at least three more strawberry tarts and started a new movie. another scary one. jungkook doesn’t understand how you can watch these kinds of things before you go to sleep, it’s like you’re immune to nightmares or something.
but you weren’t immune to feeling tired. just before jungkook joins you in bed, you let out a yawn before stretching your limbs a little bit.
“tired?” jungkook asks, pulling the comforter over his legs.
you nod, “a little.”
he smiles. “it’s late,” he nods to the clock on his night stand. one in the morning. “sleep, you did a lot of work today.”
“i know,” you groan. “just one more bite.” trying to fit an entire strawberry tart into your mouth was a bad decision. the pastry crumbled into your throat and had you choking for a minute.
jungkook comes to the rescue with your glass of water and a hand rubbing circles against your back. “alright, alright.” he laughs. “no more tarts— go to sleep, princess.”
when you’ve come down from your coughing fit, you nod before you tell him that you’re going to call seungyeon and jimin. “let me just update them about the wedding planning— they’re gonna laugh about everything, i just know it!”
“it’s supposed to be a secret, princess.” jungkook shakes his head, watching as your hands pull out your phone at lightning speed.
“oh… really?” you pause, “i’ve been telling them everything since we’ve started.” jungkook only laughs. he could never be mad at that, why wouldn’t you wanna share something like this with your friends?
“just make sure your advisors don’t find out, okay?” he holds his pinky up for a classic promise, which you reciprocate.
the next fifteen minutes or so, jungkook acts like he isn’t listening to your conversation as he immerses himself into the storyline of this movie, it was interesting but not as interesting as the way you tell them about the wedding. you sound so excited, telling seungyeon that you’re gonna have to go dress shopping soon and that you want her to be there and everything. it makes jungkook smile. it’s more back and forth between the two of you, seungyeon saying of course she’ll be there and you saying that she better because you’re sending a jet to her. it was quite funny.
then seungyeon’s voice rings over the line, updating you about how jimin’s prepping for his big dance recital on saturday and how much they miss you.
you wish you could go to support him. jimin’s been dancing for as long as he’s lived. he’s so passionate about it and you admire him for it. he talked your ear off about how excited he was about this performance. that the crowd is going to be the biggest he’s ever performed for and how scouts will be in the audience. you wished you could go.
the way your voice shakes isn’t something you can hide very well. over the phone it may pass off as a breath you took too long to breathe in, but in person, jungkook can hear the way that your voice gives way to the tears building in your eyes. “tell him i wish him the best of luck.”
“of course,” she answers. “oh! and i was able to take some pictures when we went into the city, you remember all those hole-in-the-wall spots, right? turns out they’re great for photography!”
not long after, you received an email notification. containing the pictures that seungyeon took and they were beautiful. the city's night lights make everything look so cool, like a movie.
you miss the city. you miss your friends.
“they’re gorgeous,” you tell her. scrolling through picture after picture. seungyeon rambles more about a new restaurant they found that she hopes to bring you (and jungkook) to when they have the chance. jungkook could see the way that your energy changed. you’re sad now. he can feel it. he knows you miss the city. the way you slowly scroll through the pictures, longing to be there instead of having to look at a picture of it through a screen.
the gears in his head turn. a plan has already been set into motion for a date between the two of you. yugyeom, taehyung, and eunwoo have all been trying to pitch in, give him ideas as to where to go, what to do. but jungkook thinks he knows exactly what to do. he wanted to do this right.
so that next morning, jungkook makes an important phone call after retrieving the phone number from namjoon.
“hello, jimin? this is jungkook…”
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it’s already been a week and a half since you and jungkook agreed to an arranged marriage. you’ve only been able to see him five out of the twelve days. busy was an understatement. venus said there is too much to do and that even a year isn’t enough time to get everything done. it seems like an exaggeration, in your opinion. sure, a wedding was a lot of work, but did you really need to be there to confirm everything?
maybe venus will let you have a break one of these days. you don’t suspect it to be anytime soon. today, you were told to wake up early (six in the morning type of early) and get dressed. no one told you exactly why, but you listened and once you were ready, made your way to the briefing room.
when you push the big doors open, venus eyes you suspiciously. “princess, what are you doing here? we are not wedding planning today.”
you furrow your eyebrows. “then what are we doing?”
“you are going on a plane, something about a political appearance.” she winks. walking your way and weaving her arm through yours to lead you out.
“already? mother said appearances weren’t for another month!” you groaned.
“sorry, princess.” she laughs. “your bags are being packed as we speak, just go freshen up and we’ll meet jungkook and blue at the royal runway.”
“got it.” you assure her. ah, such a good kid. venus thinks. you don’t even question the random political appearance and just accept it at face value. she knows you’ll be surprised. you don’t even suspect a thing!
after maybe ten minutes, you walk with venus down to the runway and meet up with the boys. jungkook seems a little nervous. he’s doing that thing where he shifts his weight on his feet. “you okay?” you ask him.
“yeah! yeah— why wouldn’t i be?” jungkook answers. a smile that’s way too bright is displayed on his face. you suspect it’s just nerves for the speech he’s probably gonna have to do.
“if you’re nervous, just remember i’ll be right there next to you, yeah?” you assure him. gently taking his hand into yours.
jungkook is suddenly reminded why he shouldn’t be so damn nervous. because it’s you. he gets to be with you. to marry you. of course, he wants it to be perfect, that’s why he keeps going over everything in his head, making sure he’s got everything down. but it’s you. his best friend. when he looks at you, his nerves are at ease. that burning feeling in his chest dies down and his throat no longer feels like closing in on itself.
he lets out a breath. “ready?”
you nod, “where are we going anyway? venus never told me.” stepping up into the aircraft and taking your seat, jungkook and blue follow suit.
“i think we’re going to gotia, right, blue?” jungkook answers, turning his head to namjoon. his face directly telling him to go along with it.
“yes, your highness, gotia.” namjoon smiles brightly.
your eyebrows knit together. they’re acting weird again. “alright…” you say, suspicious of them already. “wake me up when we’re there.”
apparently, you were exhausted. you slept through the entire plane ride and it was a fifteen hour plane ride. namjoon said you did this the last time too. only waking up to eat and talk briefly before falling asleep again. it was a great time for namjoon and jungkook to gather blackmail photos for themselves as your sleeping faces are unbeatable. even when you land, you don’t wake up. jungkook isn’t gonna be the one to wake you up, so he gently lifts you up, bridal style. you don’t even bother opening your eyes, you just cuddle into his further. jungkook was always so warm, and so strong. he carries you into a car and lets you continue sleeping there, with your head on his shoulder.
after about twenty minutes of traffic, you finally decide to open your eyes. suddenly conscious of the way that jungkook’s hand is intertwined with yours. you don’t mind, his hand felt nice in yours. with sleep-riddled eyes, you look outside the window to see city infrastructure; which is not very common in gotia. gotia is a green mountain country, known particularly for their abundance of livestock and green grass.
you give them the benefit of doubt, perhaps you guys were just going somewhere in gotia that you’ve never been before. so you ask, “where exactly in gotia are we going?”
jungkook smiles. a very mischievous smile. “you’ll see when we get there, princess, don’t worry.”
hm, suspicious. this time you sit up, the seat belt digging into your belly when you push forward to lean against the front seat. “blue, where are we going?” you ask your trusty body guard.
“i am just following directions, your highness.” he tells you with a tight grin.
you were already suspicious during the plane ride, and now since neither jungkook or namjoon want to tell you where you’re going; you’re starting to put the pieces together. they’re gonna make you play that game where blue drops you and jungkook off in a random location and the two of you have to figure out where to go from there. and from your own experience: it sucks! so you scoff. “you guys are kidnapping me! hand me my phone, i am calling my father.” holding your hand out with your palm facing up. both of them laugh, jungkook places his hand on yours instead of giving you your phone.
“just wait a little longer, princess.” jungkook tells you as he intertwines your fingers together.
another few minutes and you’re still unsure of where you are, the dark tint of the windows is only adding onto the difficulty to spot the exact location. blue stops abruptly and turns to the two of you, “i was told to let you off here.” he says. the street is empty, but somewhat familiar. you weren’t able to get another look before jungkook covered your eyes.
“it’s a surprise, close your eyes.” he says. out of habit, you close your eyes, giving your trust to jungkook. jungkook steps out of the car first and then the door to the left of you opens. you keep your eyes closed and scoot out of the car with jungkooks’ help. he helps you out and onto the ground where he leads you somewhere onto the sidewalk.
“can i open my eyes now?” you ask, still squeezing your eyes shut.
“in a sec,” jungkook promises. bringing you a little further, you can hear him open a door and feel him lead you inside. “you can open your eyes now, we have to go up some stairs first.” he tells you.
when you open your eyes, you’re in a staircase with carpeted floors and metal railings. it looks fancy. the two of you make it up the stairs and you still can’t tell where the hell you are before jungkook tells you to close your eyes again. he opens another door and leads you out, leading you through a curtain you can feel. now you can hear some noise, quiet bickers of a crowd of people. it had to be hundreds of people out there.
you hear jungkook sit down beside you before he speaks up once more, “okay, open.”
scared, you only open your right eye just a peek. from the image, there’s an entire crowd below you. you’re in a theater of some sort. no, wait— it’s not just some theater, it’s the theater. the one that jimin’s performing at! that’s when your eyes shoot open. you’re back in the city, with jungkook by your side, about to watch your best friends’ performance.
“no way.” you spoke quietly, facing jungkook. he only smiles at you, holding your hand in his. “did you really do this for me?” the two of you sat in the highest box seat, jimin called them ‘the rich people seats.’ no one can really see you from here and you had one of the best views; it was perfect.
it was just so thoughtful. he must have noticed how homesick you were feeling, how much you yearned to see your friends again. this is the best gift you could have ever received. you’re not even sure what to say, and jungkook understands. he doesn’t expect any thank you’s or a major display of affection. he’s just happy that you’re happy.
when the lights dim and the music begins to play, you can’t help but feel the tears start to build in your eyes. “thank you, jungkook, so much.” you pull yourself close to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
“of course, princess.” he tells you, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer. “anything for you.”
with that, a tear falls and the curtains are drawn. revealing jimin standing in position with a beautiful dark forest background, performing his black swan routine. one of his longest and most physically intensive choreography he’s ever made. but it’s so damn gorgeous. he performs flawlessly and receives a standing ovation. you couldn’t have been any happier for him.
during the extended applause, jungkook stands up pulls you along, through another carpeted hallway. “wait— where are we going?” you ask him. his other hand holds a bouquet that literally came out of nowhere. “and where did you get those flowers?!”
“we’re gonna see jimin!” he tells you as he maneuvers through the never ending hallways. “oh, and i hid these— so you could give them to jimin.”
the two of you stop just before another door, you pull him back gently. “what? people are going to see us, jungkook, we aren’t allowed to be outside of the kingdom without proper guards.”
“no one will see us, i promise, jimin will meet us here in this room.” he tells you. the both of you peek through the door window, it was an empty practice room. the door on the other side of the room opens and it’s the cue that it’s safe to come in. “ready?” he asks, holding the flowers out for you to take.
you start crying again, it was immediate. jungkook wipes the tears away quickly, “don’t cry, princess.” he places a sweet kiss on your forehead before he hands you the bouquet and opens the door for you.
then there in the middle of the room stands your best friend. his arms open for a hug and you run into them. crying even harder when you realize that jimin is crying too, you can hear the way he sniffles. “why are you crying?! you did amazing!” you sob.
“because you’re here and everything went perfectly— it’s just overwhelming.” he admits, pulling back from the hug. the two of you laugh at your crying faces.
“congratulations, jimin.” you tell him, holding out the flowers for him.
“thank you, ___.” he accepts them with a smile, wiping his tears and turning his attention to jungkook, who stands at the door as a lookout. “jungkook—! oh crap, wait— should i call him majesty or highness or something?” jimin’s quickly tries to correct himself, asking you for advice.
you can only laugh and shake your head. “you can just call him jungkook.”
“i was called?” jungkook stands just behind you, with a smile on his face.
“yeah, man— come here.” jimin embraces him in a hug and jungkook doesn’t object it.
rubbing his back, jungkook congratulates him as well. “you’re incredibly talented, jimin.” he smiles when he pulls away. “it’s great to finally meet you in person.”
“jimin! it’s curtain call!” a lady barges into the practice room. she stands speechless for a second, her eyes darting straight to jungkook. “wait, is that prince jungkook?!” all of you are wide eyed. jimin’s mouth is silently telling you two to ‘run!’ before you knew it, she was pulling out her phone, trying to take a picture.
jimin is quick to block the camera as he shouts. “go! hurry!” the two of you rush out of the door you came from. you and jungkook bolt back to the car, blue is a little startled when you both jump in, breathless.
“everything alrig—“
“drive!” you demanded.
“shit— alright!” blue complies and steps on the gas, getting you out of the parking spot behind the theater and now onto the streets of the city.
now that everyone’s calmed down. you just realized that you, again, have no idea where you were going. “now where are we off to? it’s about eleven o’clock, right?”
“go with the plan, blue.” jungkook tells him. with the creepy wording, you begin to feel more suspicion around the two of them. what more surprises could there be?
the three of you spent another fifteen or so minutes of driving, and quite frankly you were tired of looking for little landmarks to pinpoint where you were. just as you were about to ask again, blue stops the car and looks at jungkook.
“okay, another surprise— close your eyes.” jungkook says. you can’t help but admit this is kind of fun. sure, you were annoying the hell out of the boys for the past fifteen minutes asking when you were gonna get there and where you were going. but they love you either way.
you keep your eyes squeezed shut as jungkook helps you out of the car and onto another sidewalk. “just a little further.” he says, leading you closer to whatever it was. just before he speaks again, you hear a little jingle. “okay, open.”
when your eyes finally adjust to the city lights, you recognize the building entirely too well. a place that you lived for five years. “is this— are we— no way!” you stutter, purely out of surprise. you were sure that you weren’t going to see this place for at least another decade.
you stand there speechless, just like how you did at jimin’s recital, for a good minute or so. jungkook has to wave his hand in front of your face to break you out of the trance.
“so, are you gonna show me your apartment or not?” jungkook grins, holding up your cutely decorated keychain. you squeal in excitement as he hands you the keys and you drag him into the building. it’s only been about a month and a half since you’ve last seen it, but it feels so nostalgic. it feels special. you suspect it’s because of the man whose hand you’re holding right now.
up the elevator and to the left, the apartment labeled with a silver plated 101 beckons you inside. soon enough, you’re pulling jungkook through the door and giving him a detailed tour of your shoe closet that is right there when you walk in.
as the two of you walk around, it’s cleaner than you remember. venus must have gotten people to tidy the place up after you left. just as you finish the very short tour of your apartment, you remember that you’d left some things from jimin and seungyeon in your room. “make yourself at home, my prince, i’ll just be in my room, collecting some things.” you excuse yourself and let jungkook look around some more.
if jungkook were honest, he would have told you that he got a bit of whiplash from your tour. he was turning every two seconds because you were speaking so fast. you were just so excited, and jungkook couldn’t have been happier. everything was going exactly as planned. the clock was ticking and jungkook did have a schedule to be on, but there was nothing wrong with a little snooping around your apartment. he wanted to see the place that you called home for the past five years.
your couch looks cozy, blankets on one side with decorative pillows to adorn the piece of furniture. your coffee table is cute too. you’ve got good taste. everything just seems so you. so when jungkook turns toward the bookcase you mentioned earlier into your tour. it was crowded with books, photo albums, cd’s, and records. a specific photo album catches his eyes, a cute light blue album. on the spine it was labeled: ‘jjk’ and from what jungkook knows, it must be his initials.
it’s when he opens it is when he confirms. the album is full of pictures of the two of you when you were kids, at every festival, from infant to teens. flipping through the pages, both of your smiles never changed. over the years; in both of your eyes, the certain glimmer of love shines so brightly. he puts it back with a soft smile after he’s flipped through all the pages. another book catches his eyes, your favorite fairy tale story: hansel and gretel. while everyone made fun of your choice of story, jungkook thought it was cool. you were all about safety and stranger danger, therefore making hansel and gretel a good story for kids to read (in your opinion.) you always read it when you needed to make an important decision, you called it a comfort read. it helped you get into the right mindset, think about all the pros and especially the cons of the decision you were about to make.
jungkook was only going to look at it and flip through the pages mindlessly. but when he pulls it out of its place in the bookshelf, two envelopes fall out from between the pages. squatting down, he picks up the fallen pieces of paper and coincidentally, sees his name on one of the letters. the other is blank, just a plain envelope. if it was addressed to him, then it means it was meant for him, therefore, he could read it… right?
if you are reading this, then that means i’ve already left for the city.
first, i wanted to apologize: for everything. for not telling you that i would leave sooner, for leaving you, for not telling you how i felt.
i was scared terrified that i would ruin our friendship if i ever told you, but now, since i don’t know if i’ll ever come back. i need to get this off my chest.
i’ve wanted to tell you this for the longest time.
jeon jungkook, i am in love with you.
i’m sorry this is how you had to find out, i’m sorry i didn’t have the courage to tell you in person.
but i love you, and i think i always will.
i hope you will be happy, whoever you marry. i hope they love you the way you deserve.
i hope to be at your wedding when i hear the news.
i’m sorry again.
easily, his eyes gloss over. you’ve loved him all along. he should have known. how could he have not known? thoughts run through his mind at hundreds of miles an hour; what would have happened if you did give this to him when you left. he probably would have gotten on the next plane out and searched the city to find you. probably would have done the exact same thing he did recently, beg you to give the two of you a chance. he shakes his head, sliding the letter back into its envelope. reading the other letters wouldn’t hurt, right?
of course not, he tells himself. he was always so nosy. the blank envelope held multiple pieces of paper. most of them were unfinished confessions to him, smudged black ink with multiple sentences crossed off. from what he can count, you wanted to confess to him at least five times now.
jungkook isn’t sure how he feels, he just knows how in love he is. this feeling of being surrounded by warmth, it’s enough to make a tear slip out. he can’t help but smile either. this is the boost of confidence he needed for tonight. he was so nervous before, that everything would go terribly wrong, but now he’s just so… content, so happy. he wanted to hug you, kiss you, everything. so he puts the envelopes back into the book, places it back into the shelf and makes his way to your room. your body hovers over your vanity, digging through your jewelry box.
“my princess.” jungkook pouts even though you can’t see him. coming from behind, he hugs you tightly and rests his head against yours. he tries to hide the way that his tears began to tear up. you look up from your tangle of necklaces, turning and taking him into your arms.
“are you crying?” the single tear that rolls down his cheek grabs your attention. your hand immediately coming up to wipe it away. “what’s wrong? do you hate my little apartment that much?” you let out a laugh.
he laughs too, shaking his head with a smile. “your little apartment is perfect— i love it actually, i love you.”
“aw,” you mumble against his chest. “i love you too, even though you’re acting super weird.” the two of you stand there, swaying in a hug for a little longer.
“am not.” he rests his chin atop your head.
“whatever you say.” you hum, pulling him towards your prized possession— your queen sized bed. the two of you plop on top, your fluffy comforter proving to be one of the best purchases you have ever made in your entire life. the two of you lay there in silence for a little bit, you almost fall asleep due to how warm jungkook is.
“as much as i would love to cuddle and take a nap in your bed, we’re on a tight schedule— c’mon.” jungkook says as he stands from your bed, pulling you up.
“a schedule?” you quirk an eyebrow. “what else are we gonna do in the city? our faces are plastered all over the internet, not to mention you’re the most-thirsted-after prince in the entire world.” you ask as he tugs you through the hallway and back into the living room.
“can you show me the roof?” jungkook asks. a sly smile on his face, while you’re still completely clueless.
“of course!” you squeal, excited to show him the amazing view of the city the roof of your building has. the two of you exit your apartment and you pull him up another two flights of stairs. “usually it’s kind of dirty, so don’t mind the mess.” you warn before opening the heavy door.
but when you push it open, the roof is…clean. it’s decorated too. it’s not the same as you last saw it. “huh— would you look at that?” jungkook steps out onto the roof first, with his hands on his hips as he looks back at you. “it looks pretty clean— and look! it’s set up for dinner...?” he acts surprised. his eyebrows raised as the two of you walk towards the dinner table. he pulls out the chair for you to sit down and you can’t help but let out a little laugh.
“so this was your plan.” you snort. dinner was in the shape of cups of ice cream. it was adorable. “ice cream for dinner?”
jungkook nods, handing you a tiny spoon for the ice cream. “your favorite.”
he did all of this for me. you realize the effort. he must have gone through meticulous planning and conspiring all of this in secret. he’s good. really good. god, you could kiss him.
the two of you sit there in the ambiance of the late city night, eating ice cream and having a small conversation. whenever the conversation paused, you could hear some music playing quietly in the back.
jungkook really did deserve the mantle of prince charming. king of romance. ruler of your heart.
“do you hear that?” jungkook asks, holding a hand out next to his ear. a familiar tune playing from wherever the music was. standing up, he extends his grasp for you to take. “a dance, princess?”
“you know i have two left feet.” you try to decline him, remembering how taehyung teased you about the way that you tripped over his feet when the two of you danced at your welcome home party. but jungkook doesn’t mind. he loves dancing with you, always has. he loves the way that your feet crash into his, how focused you get when you try not to get the moves wrong. he wanted to waltz with you everywhere, even if you stood on his feet the entire time.
“just follow me, alright?” he smiles. giving in, you take his hand and the two of you make your way to the middle of the rooftop. the night sky bearing witness to one of the most romantic things you’ve ever received. you feel his hand wrap around your waist, guiding you to step where he does.
“sparks, huh?” you smile, finally putting a title on the song playing. “kind of a sad song to dance to.” following his moves, dancing does seem a little easier with jungkook there.
“i thought it was perfect.” he states, leading you in for a twirl and then back into his arms. “it explains exactly how i feel about you.
“yeah?” you look up to him. even in this faint lighting, the abandoned flickering light bulbs that hang from strings all across the rooftop from an old tenant party, he still shines so bright.
he nods. the two of you silently sway for another few beats of the song. you lay your head against his chest, the beat of his heart is as calming as the music in the back. maybe if you just leave your eyes closed, this moment could last forever.
meanwhile, jungkook is trying to amp himself up to get these words out. another confession and an important question sits heavy on his tongue. he knows you feel the same, knows that you’ll accept, but he’s still so nervous. what if you don’t say yes and he’s left there with his knee against the rough concrete floor? what if this was just too cheesy for you and you hate it?
jungkook tells himself there’s only one way to find out.
“i— can i tell you something?” he asks. you lift your head away and look in his eyes, they greet you with that sweet eye smile that hasn’t changed in all the days you’ve known him.
“of course.” you pull yourself back, holding his hands.  
“when you were gone...i was always afraid that i was romanticizing you— i had nothing but our memories and the small talks we would have sometimes through our parents,” he admits. “i was scared that i was in love with the idea of you, and not… you— you know?”
his confession makes you stop in your tracks, clear disbelief on your face as you drop his hands from your grasp. “what?! jungkook— why are you telling me this now?” you groan, folding your arms over your chest. you move to grab your phone to find a way to reverse this. “you know what— it’s not too late to cancel the engagement and call up the king of fenutar— i’m sure they’ll forgive you— yeah, let’s give them a call—”
he pulls you back gently, “princess, relax.” he laughs. “i was just getting started.”
your gaze softens, letting him finish his point as he restarts the sway. your feet move with his, slowly to the beat of the song playing in the back. it’s changed to something calmer, from what you could hear, it sounds like cigarettes after sex.
“this past month, ever since you came back—” he starts up once more. you attention falling back onto him instead of the music in the back. “i don’t know what it is, but i think i was wrong.” he says. you gently furrow your eyebrows. confused as to what he means. jungkook brings his hand up to your face, cupping your jaw before raising his thumb to soothe the creases in your forehead.
relaxing your muscles under his touch, he lowers his hands back down to hold your hands. he says the next words, staring straight into your eyes. “i love you, i always want to be around you, i wonder if you are alright— if you’re sad, because i want to be there for you, i want to take care of you.” your hands are pulled close to him, enough for him to be able to gently press a kiss against your knuckles. “i want to be by your side, against foes seen and unseen.”
“so—“ he lets go of your hand to pull a tiny white box out from his pocket and gets on one knee. “will you marry me?”
the rough ground against his clothed knee doesn’t matter anymore when he sees the sweetest smile on your face. everything is perfect.
you let out a little laugh, your smile going from ear to ear. “yes! of course— yes, yes!” tears collect in your eyes quickly. holding your arms out for him, jungkook comes up and collects your embrace. a tear slips out and he can hear your sniffle. gently, he wipes the tear away, and the two of you stare at each other just long enough. long enough to understand that this was the time.
you both lean forward and finally, let your lips connect. a kiss seals the fate of both hearts involved.
dreaming of this moment ever since you were fifteen has given you quite high expectations for it, but jungkook always exceeds expectations. even when you think he couldn’t be anymore perfect, he always has something up his sleeve. it shows in the way his kiss is gentle, but so passionate. transferring his love to you in the most efficient way possible.
jungkook is in dreamland almost. wonders if this is what being on drugs is like. pure euphoria. knows that this is what love stories are based off of. pure adoration. fears what he’ll do if he won’t be able to kiss you. the beginning of an addiction. your lips, they take him prisoner.
slowly, the two of you pull away and stare at each other like love sick puppies. jungkook holds your face in his hand as you lean into his grasp. the sound of confetti poppers startle you, flinching at the noise before looking to see what happened. through the rain of confetti, you can see all of them. seungyeon, jimin, blue, taehyung, eunwoo, and yugyeom. you didn’t think it could get any better. you were so happy.
“congratulations, your majesties.” blue moves forward after the confetti settles and hands the two of you a purple rose. the national flower of raemor and it was a common tradition to give engaged couples raemors for good luck all throughout their relationship and marriage. you thank blue with a hug and so does jungkook. jimin and seungyeon also congratulate you, seungyeon pulls out her camera and shows you the pictures she took while she was hidden with everyone behind the huge skylights.
eunwoo takes hold of your hand gently, raising the ring up for everyone to see. jimin and seungyeon also come close to get a better look, holding your arm still. “that rock is adorable, jungkook.” he pats him on the back. making slight fun of the stones size. everyone in the kingdom was used to huge gems, rings that would weigh down the finger of the wearer. you give eunwoo a light shove.
the ring was your style. it was actually really thoughtful too. there were conversations where you and jungkook would gossip about the adults sometimes, you knew everything back then. who was cheating on who, whose wives knew about the mistress, whose husbands knew about the paramour. then most of the time, they would solve it through money. buying bigger, more expensive material things to woo them, to make them forget the betrayals. you hated it. you specifically remember telling jungkook that you’d rather have a small ring and a great love, instead of a big ring and a loveless marriage.
so when you stare at the pretty gem laid on your ring finger, you realize it’s just more evidence that jungkook listens, and he takes your words into account. you couldn’t have been happier with the piece of jewelry. “i think it’s beautiful.” you pout in defense of the ring.
“it’s a red diamond.” namjoon tells them. “one of the rarest diamonds in the world.”
“how much is it?” yugyeom peers at the ring as well, he likes the way it sparkles even without the light.
“it doesn’t matter!” you groan, looking at jungkook for some help as four different people have your hand in their grasp.
“the diamond itself is roughly about five million— the rest of the ring, i can’t say.” namjoon shrugs nonchalantly.
jimin and seungyeon gasp at the same time, same pitch. both yugyeom and eunwoo’s eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. “sorry man— i thought it was a ruby.” eunwoo scratches the back of his head. jungkook only laughs at the conversation, not taking any of it to heart, along with taehyung (and chaeyoung!) who helped him customize the ring in the first place.
“five million?! are you serious?” you turn to him, about to scold him for wasting his money. just for an engagement ring too?!
he catches your hand before you can shove him like you did eunwoo. he brings it to his mouth, kissing your ring finger gently. before coming close to your ear, he whispers, “it’s worth way more than five million.”
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lancearcherinrippedjeans · 3 years ago
A Day at a Time
Starring - Our wonderful O/C’s, Hangman Page, Daniel Garcia, Eddie Kingston, 2.0 and Max Caster (small appearance from Wheeler Yuta)
Category - Fluff, angst, comedy
Part 1/?
Summary - Kelani Williams and Jasmine Scott. Polar opposites, but best friends. Jasmine faces struggles in her relationship with Daniel Garcia, while Kelani struggles with even being in a relationship at all.
Warnings/Other author’s notes - This includes talks of being scared of sex in relationships. And as always, make sure you follow @adriii-omega !!!
“This one is a real slobber knocker folks,” Good Ol’ Jr said, as he sat at the announce table talking with his broadcast partners, “You’re right about that Jim. These two women are really going at it.” 
Jasmine Scott and Kelani Williams. Now from this angle, it may seem like they hate each other… 
“YOU’LL NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME.” Kelani yelled, before delivering a hard slap to Jasmine, getting an echo through the arena. Jasmine held her cheek, beginning to taste blood from the side of her mouth. She rolled out the ring, taunting the fans behind the barricade as they delivered their reactions. She raised a middle finger to them, earning an even louder chorus of boos. 
“I hope she trips down the stairs.” Jim insulted. “Get your business done in the ring, Kelani.” He said with an annoyed tone. 
As if she could hear him, Kelani turned her attention back to the her opponent only to be hit by Jasmine’s extremely impactful, suicide dive. She held her ribs, trying her best to get the upper hand in this match again.
Jasmine wobbled around a bit, trying to find anything to use for her advantage. She lifted the ring skirt, smirking to the camera, as she pulled out a table. The crowd erupted, as she slid it into the ring, with Kelani right after. Jasmine picked up a half bent kendo stick, targeting Kelani. Her eyes went wide, and she put her hands up in a prayer, “DON’T HIT ME. PLEASE. I’M SORRY. TRUCE? TRUCE? TRUCE—”
Jasmine cracked the side of her arm, sending a shock of pain through her. She screeched, before attempting to get up and only getting another crack in return. 
“It must be Jasmine’s birthday, cause she’s hitting Kelani like she’s a piñata.” Excalibur snarked. Tony laughed, “Good one.”
After more shots, Kelani laid in the middle of the ring, welts already beginning to form. Jasmine sat the table up, feeding into the crowd's energy. She quickly laid Kelani on top, before climbing to the top rope, then delivering a beautiful 450° splash.
Now, if you took off the wrestling gear, and got rid of the bigger than life personas Jasmine and Kelani had…you would know they’ve been inseparable since they met. 
Kelani waited until Jasmine got through the curtain, pulling her in for a bone crushing hug. “You. Were. Incredible.” Jasmine whispered over and over, out of breath. 
“No, you. Next best thing.” Kelani winced, as she began to feel her adrenaline return back to normal. “You may have cracked every single one of my ribs though…” Jasmine gasped, before stepping back, “I am so sorry.” She took her finger and poked her side with a bit of pressure.
“Wasn’t you abolishing me with that kendo stick ENOUGH?” Kelani rubbed her side, “I’m not driving anywhere tonight. Someone else better take the wheel.” 
Jasmine laughed at her best friends’ reaction, “I think Ang, or Matt are in charge tonight, so neither of us have to worry about—Oh!”
Daniel Garcia had crept behind the two, pulling Jasmine into a hug from behind. “I could watch you wrestle for hours.” He told her, as she tried her best to turn around. He loosened his grip, before turning her around to deliver a kiss.
Kelani rolled her eyes before looking away. Don’t get her wrong, she loved Garcia and Jasmine to death, and she was nothing, but happy for them, but Kelani Williams did not do relationships.
“Hello! Earth to Kelani!” Garcia snapped his fingers, making her turn her head, “I’m sorry? What?” 
“I said, you did great out there, punk” He lightly punched her shoulder. “Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.” She winced. 
“You alright Kelani…you zoned out on us.” Jasmine asked worriedly, “Daniel, and I were about to get something to eat…you could come if you like.” 
“No, I got to talk to Tony Khan about something… I’ll see you guys after the show.” She gave both of them a tight lip smile, not wanting to make them feel bad. Garcia shrugged, before taking Jasmine’s hand and pulling her through the crowd and out of the room. 
Kelani watched as they walked away, hand in hand. She sighed to herself, “I wish I was in a relationship…it sucks that Griff had to ruin them for me.” She looked around the room, trying desperately to find one of her few friends to get away from the awkwardness of being alone. She scanned the room, locking eyes with someone she was definitely not expecting.
Hangman Adam Page. The AEW World champion. Looking at Kelani. She was a bit taken aback, she thought it was cause she had scars from the kendo stick, maybe pity for her awkwardness, but this look was definitely not that.
Hangman smiled, shifting his eyes around, making sure no one was coming, before he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, walking slowly towards Kelani.
She panicked, she quickly scanned the room again, before spotting one of her best friends, Wheeler Yuta. “Yuta!” She shouted, speed walking towards him to make her escape.
“Hey, Lani! Great match out there. You ki- OH- we’re walking the other way,” Yuta gasped as she dragged him the opposite direction, away from Hangman.
Adam stopped in his tracks, staring at Kelani as she speed walked away, he arched his brow, “I wonder what her deal is? …Did I have crazy eyes or something?”
He stared at her a second longer, before putting his championship over his shoulder, getting ready for his segment.
Daniel, Jasmine and Kelani all walked in a line, Jasmine in the middle, luggage in hand. “I’m sooo glad that Matt and Angelo offered to drive, I could not handle being behind the wheel again.” Kelani said, stopping at the curb, waiting for 2.0 to pull around with the rental.
“Yeah, lord knows you’ll almost kill us again.” Daniel said, rolling his eyes. “Well SOME COUPLE didn’t wanna take turns cause they were cuddling in the backseat!” “OKAY LISTEN HERE KELANI-” Jasmine put a hand on each of their chests, separating them, just in time as 2.0 pulled up in the minivan.
Angelo Parker rolled down the window for the passenger side, “Did someone order a cool dude mobile?” Kelani laughed before walking towards the trunk, “I hate you.”
Matt Menard turned around to look at Kelani from the driver’s seat, “Watch that mouth young lady or you’re grounded!” “Ha! Who’s the trouble sibling now!” Daniel laughed, putting his and Jasmine’s luggage into the trunk. “You do know y’all aren’t actually related right?” Jasmine asked, climbing into the van after Kelani. “Hey,” Angelo pointed a finger at Jasmine, “Kelani is our child cause we said so! Not that NERD Christian Cage, as he claims.” Kelani squinted her eyes, “You guys are NOT gonna be in a custody battle for me!” 
Matt Menard pulled off from the curb, to the street and onto the interstate to get to the hotel. Matt and Angelo were singing along, poorly, to the song on the radio, while Jasmine and Kelani scrolled through their social media, Daniel dozing off on Jasmine’s shoulder. 
Jasmine let out a cackle to a fan tweet, causing Daniel to shoot up, startled. “Jesus Jasmine! I thought you were bleeding.” Jasmine blushed, “Sorry, this fan on twitter is just hilarious.”
Jasmine frowned, embarrassed that she had woken up her boyfriend. That was the difference between her and Kelani. Jasmine wasn’t shy and was definitely loud. “You’re okay, angel. You just scared me, that’s all,” Daniel reassured Jasmine, putting his arm around her shoulders…but not without accidentally hitting Kelani in the face. “Ow Daniel! Watch where you’re going!” Kelani whined, rubbing her right eye.
Daniel rolled his eyes, “You are so over dramatic! I barely hit you!” “Say that to my soon to be black eye, string bean,” Kelani looked in her iPhone camera at her irritated eye, “Jeez! Cut the PDA out for 5 minutes WE ARE IN THE CAR!”
“Shut up Kelani! You’re just mad that you’ll never be like me and Jasmine! Yo ass stay single! You’re like that one tortoise that could never find a ma-”
“Daniel! Cut it out! Stop making fun of your sister, it’s her choice!” Angelo said, turning around in the passenger seat to yell at his fake son.
Kelani sank into her seat, Daniel was right, she was always single. It wasn’t a choice, she was completely terrified of relationships entirely.
The other four engaged in a conversation after Angelo and Daniel were done going back and forth. Kelani popped in her airpods, she wasn’t confrontational, so she decided to do what she always did, listen to Kendrick Lamar, sleep it off and just…let it go.
They pulled into the hotel, Angelo turned around in his seat to lightly shake Kelani’s knee, who was leaning on the cold window, lightly snoring. “Lani, we’re here. Wake up.” Kelani groaned, putting her airpods back in the case.
They stopped at the curb. “I’m gonna go get a luggage cart, you go park.” Angelo said, hopping out the passenger seat. Matt pulled into a parking lot, the three in the backseat getting out to get their luggage.
Angelo came back with the cart, him and Matt putting all the luggage on it, walking to the entrance of the hotel, Daniel walked ahead with them, while Jasmine and Kelani stayed back.
Jasmine leaned down to whisper in Kelani’s ear, “Do you think I can stay with you tonight?” Kelani kept whispering, “Yeah, what happened to rooming with Daniel? Did something happen?”
“I’ll tell you later.” Jasmine said, getting a nod from Kelani in return. When the girls reached inside, Angelo was handing out the room keys. He handed Kelani her’s when Jasmine kissed Daniel on the cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Daniel looked at her, confused, “I thought you were rooming with me tonight?” Jasmine put on her best fake laugh, “You know I sleep best when Lani is big spoon.”
The girls grabbed their luggage, walking to the elevator, Daniel’s frown implanted into Jasmine’s brain.
After settling in, changing into their pajamas and turning on a movie, Kelani and Jasmine sat on their shared bed.
“Thanks for letting me room with you. I know you didn’t expect it but…” Jasmine pursed her lips, trying to find the words to say. “It’s no problem! We share a bed all the time…can I know why the sudden change? You’ve been rooming with Daniel a lot recently.” Kelani questioned, putting her legs under the covers.
Jasmine took a deep breath, “Daniel wanted to have sex the other night. And I freaked out! It was just kissing and then he touched my thighs, then he started touching-” “Okay okay! Not that I don’t love listening to your problems, but I’d rather not have the image of that.” Kelani said.
Jasmine playfully slapped Kelani’s arm, before continuing, “Well, I was about to find some excuse, when thankfully, Eddie Kingston called me about a prank I pulled on him.”
“So, is that why you’re rooming with me? Cause you don’t want to have sex with him?” Kelani asked, grabbing Jasmine’s hand. “No, that’s not it. I do, but I’m just scared? I just don’t want it to end up like Cash. What if we have sex and things end?”
Kelani sighed, “Jasmine, your feelings are valid. But I’ve seen the way Daniel looks at you, and you should hear how he talks about you when you’re not around. I think if you talk to him, he’ll understand. Don’t let some one night stand with Cash Wheeler think otherwise.”
Jasmine smiled, pulling Kelani into a hug, “Thanks, Lani. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. NOW, am I big spoon?” Jasmine giggled, “Yes, always.”
The Next Morning
Kelani scanned the hotel breakfast bar, none of it really catching her eye this early. She rubbed her eye a bit, before her eyes landed on the fruit. She grabbed an orange, then a bottle of juice from the mini fridge on the counter. She grabbed her phone out of the pocket of her shorts, turning up the music in her airpods.
She looked up at the last second, before running full on into a chest. She looked around the floor, and at the person’s chest, “No food anywhere, cool.”
She looked at the person, just her luck, she had run into Hangman Page. “I- I am sooo sorry! I was just trying to change the volume and I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She stammered. Hangman put his hand up to stop her, “Don’t apologize, things happen.” He smiled, looking down at the floor, before crouching down to grab her phone that she dropped.
Coming back up, the home screen lit up, he read the song name, before looking up at her, “Tyler, The Creator? I love him too! Is Yonkers your favorite song?”
She blushed, before her eyes lit up, “No, actually my favorite song is actually Where This Flower Blooms. Erm- what’s yours?” She spoke lightly, he almost didn’t even wanna speak too loudly, she seemed…fragile. 
“I’m actually more of an Igor fan myself, I’d probably go with Running Out of Time.” He laughed, stepping a bit closer to her. “Oh, that’s a good one. Who knew a cowboy liked Tyler, the Creator?” Kelani laughed, her teeth biting her bottom lip. 
“Yeah. I think it was actually one of your stories from like…a year ago that made me wanna listen to him. You’ve got good taste!” He commented, smiling. She opened her mouth to say another thing, when she was interrupted by her daily nuisance.
“WHAT is so important that you’re stopping me from eating the most important meal of the day?!” Max Caster groaned, “You guys can get nasty somewhere else, I’m tryna put some syrup on my damn waffles!” He annoyingly cut in between them, stepping on Kelani’s slipper. She pulled her foot back, “Ouch, you didn’t have to-”
“SKEDADDLE, WILLIAMS.” He spat close to her face, laughing as she flinched slightly. He tried to walk past them, before Hangman stuck his hand out, almost making him drop his plate. “You got some nerve talking to her like that, in front of me.” He bit the inside of his mouth, “Plus, we were having an EXTREMELY important discussion, that you just interrupted. Which means, we must have a problem.”
Max stood in terror, as Hangman grabbed the collar of his shirt. “The waffles here aren’t even that good.” Caster swallowed his fear, looking back at Kelani, “I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t look at her. Get outta here!” He pushed him back, as he clutched his plate, and scurried out of the line. He sighed, before beginning to speak again, “As I was saying…you’re really-” He stopped mid sentence, realizing she wasn’t there anymore, making him wonder if she was even real anymore.
“EDDIE. EDDIE. EDDIE.” Jasmine poked at her close friend, “Why aren’t you looking at me!”
“Damn girl, what the fuck do you want!” Kingston said with a mouthful. She grinned, “Look what I can do!” She stood back, making sure there was enough room around her, and perfected a cart wheel. 
Eddie looked back at her with disapointment. “Is…that all Jasmine?” He cracked his neck to the side, and stabbed his plate with the fork. She looked at him with innocent eyes, “Yes. I have been practicing for a couple weeks.”  He creepily smiled at her response, “That’s great sweetie! I know somewhere else you can practice at!” He clapped his hands together, “In the middle of New York traffic, you damn pesty mosquito. SHOO before I shove my timberland boot up your ass.” 
Jasmine gasped, trying her best to hide her laughter, “You sir, need a loved one..” 
“I heard, your mom was interested in me…”
“GOODBYE EDWARD.” Jasmine groaned, beginning to leave, before quickly snatching a piece of bacon off his plate. “GOD DAMN IT SCOTT-”
She chuckled, as she ran out the room stopping seeing Kelani walking back into it. 
Garcia walked in after Jasmine. She sprawled herself on his bed, “I could lay here forever.” She mumbled. Daniel laughed before taking a seat at the edge. “It was kind of weird not sharing a bed with you. I usually have the blanket pulled off me a couple times a night and—”
She shot her head back up, “Daniel…” He held his hands up to stop her, “Did I do something wrong last night? I didn’t mean to make you upset, or angry with me.” It was her turn to cut him off, as she put her hands on his shoulders. “Babe, no! You did nothing wrong. It’s just…nevermind, it’s dumb.” Her voice trailed, making Garcia’s brows furrow with worry. “No. Tell me.”
She began to pick at her nails, “I just,” she began to look around, avoiding his glare, “I didn’t want to sleep with you.” Her face cringed at her words. Daniel stared at her with no expression, “…Do I smell— wait a minute if you don’t wanna sleep with me, then WHO are you trying to fuck!?” Daniel furiously stood, making Jasmine’s eyes widened. “NO ONE! THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEAN.” She began to nervously laugh, “The last night we were together…you started touching me, and I thought you wanted to do more. I got nervous, and freaked out…I’m not ready right now.”
Daniel let out a breath, “Oh baby… why didn’t you just say so? I feel so stupid. I am so sorry,” He pulled her in for a hug, and began to rub circles on her back, “Thank you for letting me know.” A couple tears ran down her cheek, “You’re not gonna leave me?” She sobbed. A small laugh left him, “Of course not Jasmine,” He wiped her face with his thumb, “You’re too pretty to let go. I’ll wait for you.” He kissed her forehead, and grabbed both of her hands, “We’ll go slow. Just tell me if it’s too much.” Daniel kissed her hand, as she slowly nodded. Her shoulders untensed, and her breathing went back to normal as they both laid back in the bed, and let sleep take over them together.
“No way, Flower Boy is his best album.” Kelani said, taking a sip from the now warm bottle of apple juice. “C’mon, Igor was legendary.” Hangman argued, widening his eyes at her surprising statement.
“I think Wolf is better than Igor.” Kelani commented, pursing her lips as the champion looked at her, wide-eyed. “You better watch it, Williams. Stuff like that can get you hurt.” Adam joked, putting on a “scary face”.
Kelani fake gasped, “Shiver me timbers! So terrifying!”
Hangman couldn’t keep up the act, when he started laughing. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Igor, but I just think that…” Kelani’s voice faded as he let his mind wander. “She’s really pretty…I wonder why she ran away last night. Is she that shy?” He let his eyes look at her lips, as she looked around the room during her rant. “Why have I never talked to her before? I could talk, hell, even look at her for hours.”
He was so glad Kelani came back after the Caster incident. He knew she was shy…but not that shy. She apologized for running away, looking at her feet the whole time when she did so. “I wonder why she apologizes a lot…she does seem really cool though.”
His moment in space was broken as she turned his attention back to him, “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just biased.” Kelani said, shrugging her shoulders.
Hangman thought for a second, before deciding, “Yeah, biased. But, I wanted to ask…you’re really, really cool. I was wondering, could we exchange numbers and hangout sometime? Maybe go in depth on Tyler again?”
Kelani’s heart dropped, “Fuck. Fuck no. This cannot be happening. Don’t give him your number. Don’t give him a chance. You will get hurt…but his eyes. They’re so pretty…and his curls in that ponytail…damn. NO! Stop it! You will NOT-” “Are you okay?” Hangman interrupted her thoughts, worried look on his face.
“Uh, I actually can’t give you my number…my phone…it um, won’t let me add new contacts, follow people, anything like that. Which, look at the time! I gotta go get my run in! All those carbs this morning!” She rambled, getting up from the table, not without running into a chair.
“But, all you had was an orange and juice..?” Adam questioned, actually hurt that Kelani was suddenly acting strange. “Oh, well, it never hurts to run! Bye!” Kelani sprinted out of the hotel, hoping maybe she could run a block or two and back, and he would be gone.
Hangman watched and she ran, in slippers, stumbling halfway through. He frowned, he hoped he didn’t upset her too much. Hangman stood from the table they sat at, making his way to the elevator, he passed the table where Private Party sat, drinking their not so discreet vodka cranberries.
“Nice job HANGMAN PUSSYPANTS PAGE! You fumbled the bag with Kelani! Now you’re an even bigger L.” Isiah said, smacking his lips, drinking his drink with his pinky up.
Hangman rolled his eyes, going to the elevator, he stared at the front door, which was right across from it. Kelani was already back from her run, or sprint. He looked at her with confused, and sad eyes. She ran to try and catch the elevator, but it shut before she got the chance. 
Hangman sighed, letting his back hit the elevator wall, “Fuck. She’s going to be the death of me.”
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thanks for reading our new story, A Day at a Time! Part 2 coming soon!
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comfyswitcherblanketfort · 4 years ago
Grunge-Metal Geralt 3
its finally time 😂 after months of staring at an empty google doc i finally had a useful idea - also y’all, go listen to ‘Brighter Side of Grey’ by Five Finger Death Punch bc that’s the song i based this on and its fire and i love it also all of ffdp is one whole witchery mood
Warnging: vague discussion of a car crash where Geralt was severely injured, big emotionaly vulnerability, swearing?, listen to the song then you’ll get the vibes i promise
“Give them a break, guys,” Eskel sighed as he wrote down his coffee order, “They had a close call. It’s not like they’re always this…”
“Gross. Skel. The word you’re looking for is gross.” Lambert snatched the paper out of his brother’s hand and stalked out of the room with Aiden in tow. 
Jaskier scrunched his nose and called from where he was tucked under Geralt’s chin, “Did we drive them away? I can get up if it’s too much.” Even as he spoke, neither he nor Geralt so much as twitched to make good on the offer. 
“Doesn’t bother me,” Eskel shrugged. 
Lambert and Aiden, mainly Lambert, were getting fed up with Geralt and Jaskier cuddling and cooing and doing general new couple bullshit. Especially since they’d been together three years now. They were recording a collaboration song, meaning everyone had to be there, but it seemed the two vocalists only really cared about each other. Jaskier sat on Geralt’s lap, played with his hair, stole kisses whenever he could… at one point Lambert caught Geralt tracing Jaskier’s lips and forced a coughing fit to get his attention. He probably thought it was subtle, even if no one else did. So to take a break and get some of what he called ‘patience juice’ (coffee), Lambert ran to their favorite coffee shop while Eskel laid down his bass line. 
It’s not that they were intentionally this annoying, not all the time at least. After the car crash, especially once Geralt started doing well in his physical therapy, the couple just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not to say that was the only relationship Geralt was suddenly extra involved in, it was just the most noticeable. 
Finally, after tea and coffee was distributed to everyone it was time for Geralt and Jaskier to, well, do their jobs. Jaskier was fidgeting and humming little scales, doing anything to calm the sudden nerves he felt bubbling up in his stomach. 
“You alright?” Geralt purred, nudging him with his elbow as they stood side by side at their respective microphones. When Jaskier only shrugged he continued, “What's wrong?” 
“I’m just not used to so many people being here while I…” Jaskier motioned to the mic before glancing around him and taking a deep breath, “it’s a vulnerable song…” 
Geralt’s worry lines in his forehead melted as he pulled Jaskier into his arms, “I can kick them out if you want?” he whispered. 
Shaking his head and inhaling Geralt’s scent deeply, something Jaskier had learned not to take for granted, he steeled his nerves, “I’ll be fine. Maybe a little weepy, but fine.”
As they were about to start, listening to the instrumental track and humming their parts of the song, Lambert brought Jaskier a bottle of water and set it on his music stand. He gave him a quick side hug and kissed his hair, offering a small “sorry” for all his teasing. Jaskier just giggled in response, the kind that only bubbles over from too much anticipation. He missed it, but Geralt mouthed a small ‘thank you’ to Lambert as he sat back down on the other side of the glass. 
Jaskier hooked his pinky around Geralt’s as the guitar intro started, needing that little bit of contact for the first line. When they’d written it it felt perfect. The audience knew exactly what kind of song they were about  to hear and Geralt really hadn’t known if he would pull through. It took Jaskier right back to the dimly lit hospital room where he scrawled and scratched out lyrics to keep Geralt distracted from his upcoming surgery. The fear, the desperation, the little pockets of joy when they forgot where they were, the overwhelming love that Jaskier thought he’d never be able to fully give to Geralt all crept back up his throat as he took a breath for that stupid fucking first line. 
His voice cracked partway through as he sang, making him fully grip Geralt’s hand, “I’m writing this in case I’m gone tomorrow,” By some miracle, he found his support for the next line, “I’m writing this in case I’ve moved along,”
For a moment he thought he’d gotten over the worst of it. A couple lines passed in relative ease, emotional but not so much it interfered with his craft. If he focused on looking at his microphone and keeping his breath supported he might make it through. Then Geralt joined him for the chorus. 
“When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away. When the sun burns out, I’ll be waiting on the brighter side of grey.” 
His harmony faltered and he involuntarily heaved a broken gasp in the middle of a line, desperately trying to focus on the mic that was now warped by the tears in his eyes. 
Geralt broke off after the first word of his verse, turning to Jaskier and pulling him in again, “You alright, love?”
“I’m fine. I’m sorry,” Jaskier groaned in embarrassment as he clung to Geralt’s frame, “I’m being a baby. I wasn’t even the one hurt.” 
“No you’re not,” Geralt argued, running his knuckles over Jaskier’s cheeks to wipe away his tears, “Here,” he moved their mics and stands close enough that they were shoulder to shoulder and their fingers could comfortably lace together. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand gently and gave him a brave smile, “From the top?” 
“From the top.”
This time Jaskier tried watching Geralt as they sang. He made it through the first chorus and got to just watch as Geralt sang his verse. The pang of emotion in his chest was still ever present, but it was manageable. Until he noticed Geralt having trouble. 
On “All you get to keep is what you’ve shared,” Geralt squeezed his eyes closed and his grip on Jaskier’s hand tightened. The folk singer prepared, relaxed, readied himself to take a breath in. He was expecting that one to hurt after how much Geralt insisted upon it. How he threatened to get out of that hospital bed and scribble the line himself if Jaskier didn’t put it in. He wasn’t expecting the last line of the stanza to hurt. It had been comforting to the both of them at the time.
Geralt’s lip quivered and his voice was almost pinched as he sang out, “Remember no one ever really dies.”
Even being the one to write the melody, Jaskier missed the first three notes of the chorus, “Fuck. Shit. I’m so sorry.”
“No, that was on me,” Geralt sniffed and chuckled, “I knew you’d lose it if I did.”
“How do you do this?!” Jaskier exclaimed, chugging half the water bottle to keep the breakdown at bay. 
Aiden’s voice came over their headphones, “Half our songs are his trauma and another quarter are group trauma. He’s got practice sweetheart.”
They tried a couple more times, even got through the whole song once with only minimal tears and one tasteful cracked note. But it was still a struggle for Jaskier to keep it together, and the more they sang, the more Geralt lost his iron grip on his composure. 
“Look at me,” Jaskier instructed, moving Geralt to face him and adjusting their mics so they could sing to each other, “Just like when we wrote it. Except a little less pain.” 
The joke earned a snort out of Geralt, exactly what Jaskier was aiming for, “This is supposed to be easier?”
“We can try?”
Jaskier did wonderfully for his verse, singing to Geralt was familiar and safe, even if the subject matter was terrifying. The chorus went well, but as soon as Geralt started to sing, Jaskier couldn’t exhale and it was all he could do not to sniff and ruin the take. 
“If you’re hearing this I know you’re probly scared,” had tears falling down his cheeks again and Geralt’s voice cracked as his eyes welled up, “Nope,” he choked, “that’s worse. Much worse.”
“Fuck,” Jaskier gave a watery giggle as he wrapped his arms around Geralt’s middle, “Why did we decide to do this again?”
Geralt pressed a kiss to Jaskier’s hair, sniffling and holding him tight, “I think we’re sadists.”
“Back to back,” Eskel’s voice crackled in their ears, “Try it back to back.” 
Leaning back to watch Jaskier’s reaction, Geralt hummed, “Do you want to? Or do you need a break?”
“Fuck it,” Jaskier shrugged, spinning Geralt around and following suit as he moved his equipment. 
As they stood waiting for the tech to start the audio, Jaskier felt like he could really inhale for the first time all day. Geralt was there, he could feel his ribs expand against his back and his fingers tapping like a metronome on Jaskier’s palms. This is what they were missing when they wrote the damn song. The comfort of knowing someone is always at your back, that they’ll be there when it’s hard and even when you’re separated. 
A warmth spread through Jaskier as the intro started and he felt ready. He still pressed back into Geralt on the harder lines, reminding himself he was still there, but they both made it through two full takes. 
On the final one, as the recording of the softly picked guitar faded out, Jaskier couldn’t help but repeat two more lines, “When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away.”
His voice hung in the air for a beat, the sense of finality reverberating through the studio and bringing everything else to a stand still. 
Geralt was the first to breathe, “Shit, we made it.”
“We fuckin made it,” Jaskier huffed, emotionally drained but immensely satisfied as he turned to hug Geralt from behind and press his cheek to his spine, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s get a snack?”
When the sound tech played the potential mix for the first time, he tacked on an echoing, distant sounding recording of their conversation. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, goosebumps on their arms and that feral sparkle in their eyes that every artist gets when they’ve stumbled on something really exciting. They re-recorded some guitar and drums, but they kept the vocals exactly the same. 
For the album art they wrote “I love you” on the tattered hospital stationary that had the lyrics and chords written on it and took a picture. Jaskier had the original framed and hung in their house as a little reminder. 
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wildxwired · 3 years ago
Ian and lip having their bro conversation (Fiona too, maybe) and Ian talking about his marriage life, Mickey as a husband, is he happy and all the soft stuff
This gave me all the feelings! Thank you so much for the prompt 😊 Hope this is what you wanted…
Me Three
“Alright, that’s the baby Gallaghers covered, now tell me about you guys,” Fiona asks, tinny voice rattling out of the shot-to-shit speakers on the infamous Gallagher laptop. Since the last virus, courtesy of Carl and his gross porn searches, Skype was about the only thing they could get working on the archaic piece of tech.
Lip and Ian give each other a once over like they’re silently arguing who has to talk first, both brothers far more comfortable divulging information on their younger siblings lives than their own.
“Well, Tami’s back at work, we’re doing okay, haven’t slept in two years and our house is being sold out from under us and we’re too poor to afford a mortgage, no matter how many people were slaughtered there, but - yeah. I got it.”
Fiona blinks at her brother several times, mouth agape, before shaking her head and holding up a hand. “Y’know what, I trust you. If you say you got it, I know you got it. What about you, sweet face?”
Ian shrugs. “Not much to say, sis.”
She scoffs. “Not much to say? You’re one of two Gallagher’s in the history of Gallagher’s to have a successful relationship, not to mention a marriage, to the son of the local nazi party. How is there not much to say?”
Ian laughs and runs a hand over his face. Because really? There isn’t actually much to say. For once. There’s no drama, no prison escapes, no secrecy, no mania, no fucking sense of dread that shit’s about to go sideways the moment things feel good.
Now Ian feels good more than he doesn’t. He feels loved more than he doesn’t. He feels safe and wanted and hopeful and healthy and it’s all because of Mickey Milkovich. His partner. His husband. The man who picks up Ian’s meds and is protective of him even in his sleep. The guy who always laughs at Ian’s stupid jokes and slides his last pancake onto Ian’s plate when he’s late down to breakfast. The one who stays up late with him when his meds make him too nauseous to sleep. The man that loves him unconditionally, despite history giving him every reason not to.
That stuff Ian couldn’t even begin to put into words.
He’s about to open his mouth and assure his sister everything’s fine when Lip buts in -
“Mick’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to this family, as much as it pains me to admit it.”
Ian’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline as he contemplates asking his brother if he’s gone from six packs to straight up smoking crack, but Fiona’s laugh beats him to it.
“Holy shit. Never thought you’d be the president of the Mickey Milkovich fan club.”
Lip shoulders his brother. “Pretty sure that’s this guy, but I’m being converted. When he’s not floating around the place in a bathrobe like some kind of fucked up trophy wife, he’s actually a half decent uncle and a pretty good brother. Liam loves him, Carl still admires him. The kids can’t get enough of him. Frank’s secretly afraid of him, which is always helpful. And judging by the noises coming from Ian’s bedroom all hours day and night, I’d say he’s fulfilling his husband role enthusiastically well.”
Ian elbows his brother right in the ribs, resulting in the two of them shoving at each other until Fiona calls them to attention again.
“Y’know, there was a time I didn’t think you two were meant for a happy ending, but holy fuck am I glad to be proved wrong.” Fiona looks tearfully happy as she admits this, and her words wrap around Ian’s rib cage like a warm blanket.
“Me too,” Lip adds, shouldering his brother one last time.
Ian nods and sighs contently. “Me three.”
Other prompt fills
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pandabunfics · 4 years ago
I Followed the Plan
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Disclaimer: This is FICTION, so everything written is a work of fiction and not real, everything in this does not reflect on him as a person in real life.
Sangyeon x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,068
Requested by: @taehyungkim4
Life with Sangyeon has been an interesting one, working alongside him through a project was just the beginning, now the both of you have been in a steady relationship, a non platonic relationship, for almost 8 months. Naturally however, Korean society and Korean people generally don’t accept most homosexual relationships, not to mention with their idol, as much as I love Sangyeon, although I’m yet to tell him that out loud, it’s hard being very secretive, it’s not something I’m used to.
You stand in the kitchen doing the dishes, you always used doing the dishes as an opportunity to escape from the group that is Sangyeon and his members.
“BABE!” Sangyeon shouts from the kitchen doorway.
“Yeah...yeah what?”
“You weren’t answering me, something the matter?”
“Um, no nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“No….we’ve been together for a while now, it’s dawning on me how hard it is to be so secretive about all this. It’s taking a slight toll on me.”
Sangyeon walks up behind you, turning you around by the waist, you lean back against the sink, “Is there anything I can do? Anything at all to make this better?” Sangyeon wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into a little hug, giving you a little pout to add.
“Being in an out in the open relationship isn’t an option, so maybe a date?”
“A date? Where were you thinking?”
“Busan? I’ve heard a few idols have gone there for dates.”
“Umm…Sure.” Sangyeon hesitates.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to, I want to be able to give you that kind of out in the open relationship, or at least as much as I can.”
“Thank you Sanggie.” Sangyeon leans closer giving you a quick kiss, after a moment he grabs a glass of water before returning to the living room with his members.
You return to doing the dishes and begin wondering, 'I hope this date is enough for me, maybe dating an idol is as hard as I was told, maybe I’m in over my head…..just maybe.'
Walking quickly alongside Sangyeon you both hurry through the train station, “Come on.” Sangyeon gestures towards his left, “This way.” Sangyeon says, you nod in response, following Sangyeon you both get on the train packed with people. 
Throughout the train ride you look towards Sangyeon a few times, he’s completely bundled up, even wearing sunglasses and a mask, as are you, ‘I wonder if anyone will catch us, it feels like we’re criminals.’ You think to yourself.
Eventually you reach your stop, it’s almost 8pm, the amount of people about now is growing less as you walk through streets, “Where are we going?” You ask Sangyeon.
“Somewhere kind of private.”
“How private?”
“Okay.” Sangyeon stops walking almost as soon as you answered, you look up to see a restaurant sign, “Private.” You say to yourself.
“It was either this or a clearing I found, but I thought you’d take that the wrong way, so I chose this place instead.” Sangyeon grabs your hands pulling you into the restaurant, as you enter the realisation sets in, it’s almost empty and the few people who are here, seem to be all the same sex, might be coincidence.
“Table for two?” The waitress asks, “Yes.” Sangyeon replies.
The waitress gestures for us to follow, she shows us our table and we take a seat at the table as she walks away.
This place is cool but something seems wrong, like it seems almost too good to be true or, something bad is- something is just not right.
“You seem quiet, is something wrong?” Sangyeon pats your hand bringing your attention back to the room.
You try and shake off your feeling, “No, it’s all good, thank you for bringing me here, this place seems...nice.”
After eating and sitting at the table and talking for a little bit with a couple of drinks, Sangyeon begins getting a little touchy, “Sangyeon I think you’re a little tipsy.”
“I’m not tipsy, I just want to be affectionate with you.”
You smile to yourself and stand up from the table, “Let’s get home.”
“Oh alright.”
You grab Sangyeon’s hand and lead him to the entrance, you pay for the food and take his hand again as you walk out with him.
When you are on the street Sangyeon stays by your side, suddenly your get pulled into a small alcove by the restaurant, “Sangyeon what are you doing?”
“What? No one’s watching, it’s almost 9:30pm, there’s very few people out here and I want to give you your out in the open relationship.” He immediately finishes his sentence by kissing you, he puts his hand on the back of your neck, his other hand wrapped around your waist, you don’t put up a fight, you just allow yourself to melt into the kiss.
After some time, very suddenly, Sangyeon pulls back, “What? Sangyeon? What’s wrong?” You shake him a little hoping to get a response, “SANGYEON!”
“Yeah, yeah I heard you.” He’s keeps looking across the street at nothing.
“Did you see something?”
“No, I thought I did, but no.”
“Are you okay?”
“Of course I am, I have you, my protective little boyfriend.”
“Who you calling little?”
Sangyeon just laughs at you, he slips out of the alcove and holds out his hand waiting for you to take it.
You wake up to your blaring alarm, “AGH.” Sangyeon rolls over trying to ignore it, you pull yourself free from the tangle of limbs in the bed and tap your phone until your alarm turns off. 
“It’s my day off, why is your alarm still on?”
“Just because it’s OUR day off, doesn’t mean we can spend it in bed all day.” You get up and stand beside the bed, much to the protests of Sangyeon.
“Why not?” Sangyeon whines.
“Because.” You pull the duvet off Sangyeon, leaving with only a pillow and his boxers covering him, “We need to do things today and you know that.”
“Ugh fiiiine.” Sangyeon sits up throwing a pillow at you and rushing past you to the bathroom locking it behind him, you just roll your eyes and get to making the bed and tidying up your apartment for the time being.
Sangyeon comes out of the bathroom half dressed in just tracksuit pants, “Put some clothes on.” You tell him averting your eyes from his body.
“Why are you acting like you have never seen me fully naked?”
“I don’t know.”
“Awwww, it’s so cute how you get so flustered over such small things.” Sangyeon pats your head as he walks past you to your bed, picking up his shirt off the floor from the night before, you just take a minute to admire his back muscles before you leave the room. Entering the kitchen you pick up your phone, sit at the table and begin to eat the breakfast you had just prepared for yourself.
Scrolling through twitter seeing people obsessing over something about Taemin as they do, you then see a title that makes your heart drop ‘THE BOYZ Sangyeon found kissing a man!?’
You just sit there wide eyed putting your phone down on the table, Sangyeon walks in cheery, not immediately noticing you hunched up on the seat, still in shock.
When he finally notices, “Hey, what’s up?” Sangyeon sits down opposite you, you look up at him and just slide your phone across the table saying, letting out a painful exhale in anticipation of him reading the news article, as he reads his expression goes through multiple changes, shock, horror, terror, fear, sadness, “I’m so sorry Y/N”
“I thought we were safe last night. And look, now we’re- Oh my god, this is all my fault.” Sangyeon gets up and begins to pace around the kitchen thinking to himself, you try and compose yourself for a moment, “This is just as much my fault as it is yours.”
“But it wa-“
“It was my idea to go out and on top of that, I’m in this relationship too, so when something happens, it’s also my fault.” You walk over to Sangyeon, wrapping your arms around his ribs, hugging him.
Sangyeon grips on to you letting out a few tears, “Sangyeon? Oh my god, honey.” You grab Sangyeon’s face and just look in his eyes, he smiles at you as he always does.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because I have you, even though this is the worst thing that could possibly happen to me, us, I still have you, and no one can take that away from me.”
“A fan posted this image on Wednesday at 9:36PM on multiple social media platforms, allowing it to be seen by as many people as possible.” The man in the chair turns around to face both you and Sangyeon sitting there.
He continues, “Do you understand how much of an effect this will have on your reputation as an idol, not to mention on us as a company? We cannot allow this kind of behaviour to go on, however….despite this, I am not removing you nor am I terminating you contract.”
Sangyeon, eyes wide looks up at the man, “Wait- what? I’m still in THE BOYZ, I’m still in the company?”
“That is correct however, YOU will be the one to deal with this mess, you will be the one to clear it all up, am I understood?”
“Yes sir.” Sangyeon slouches back in relief, he seems almost annoyed though, Sangyeon and you both get up and bow to the man before walking to the door, “I hope you understand that you will need to make a public comment about the false accusations of your sexuality and the full situation.”
“Yes Sir.”
“I can’t believe you got caught." Jacob says resting his hand on Sangyeon’s shoulder.
“I know. You two have always been pretty careful.” Kevin adds.
“What’s going to happen?” Eric says sitting beside you on the floor.
“I don’t know, I have to do a live and explain the whole thing.” Sangyeon says leaning back on the couch, clutching at his face, rubbing eyes.
Eric and Kevin look at each other quickly before Eric pipes up, “Y/N come with me, I need to talk to you.”
“Uh sure.” You follow Eric into the dorm’s kitchen, seeing the rest of his members in there, Eric closes the door behind, “Eric what’s going on?”
“We just want to ask you something about Sangyeon.”
Sangyeon sits in the seat behind the table and in front of the camera, looking pressured he takes a deep breath before nodding to one of the managers overlooking the live, you sit off to the side being able to watch him make the announcement.
The manager turns on the VLive, Sangyeon introduces himself as expected, “As some of you may have seen recently, some things, have been said- about me and...another person.” Sangyeon quickly looks at you, you give a reassuring smile, he smiles back, “As some of you have seen, some things were said about me, a picture of me and someone else has been circulating, and I wanted to just say…….that’s my boyfriend and I love him.” The managers eyes widen and all of them panic and try to end the live as fast as possible, Sangyeon stands up with an aura of pride around him.
“What’s wrong with you?!” The manager yells at Sangyeon, “I was told to explain the situation, I did just that.”
The manager stands there in complete confusion unable to pull together a response, Sangyeon grabs your hand pulling you out of the room and down the hall, “Sangyeon what the hell have you done?”
“I followed the plan.”
“What plan?”
“Kevin’s plan.”
“For me? You did all this for me? What about the other members? Their reputation, your reputation, your career-”
“Babe, who do you think told me to do it?”
“I love you.” You slap your hands over you mouth in immediate shock.
Sangyeon just smiles at you…..as he always does, “I love you too.”
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ourloveisforthelovely · 4 years ago
Jealousy (oneshot)
Harry Potter marauders era 
Request: Hello, I was wondering if you could write a oneshot, where the reader and Regulus have a friends with benefits thing going on and they have feelings for each other but he won't admit it, so a random boy asks the reader on a date and Regulus gets super jealous and admits his feelings and they start a proper relationship. You can decide whether you want it fluffy or smutty. 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- smut
Songs in Story:  Songs in Chapter: Tiring Game by John Newman and You and your Hand by Pink
Our love is just a tiring game, I never want a thing to change, Our love is just a tiring game. I'll never give it up,
“Y/n, wake up. We fell asleep again.”
You yawned before yanking the blanket over your head. The last thing that you wanted to do at the moment was to think about going to potions class. All that you wanted to do was lay in the nice warm bed that you had been occupying for hours.
“Quiet yourself, Regulus. Still sleepy.”
You heard Regulus chuckle as he pulled his abandoned pants on. He sat back down on the bed and shook your leg.
“If we don’t get to class, Slughorn will figure out that we are out together. If he starts watching us then there will be no more fun.”
You knew exactly what Regulus meant by “fun.” The two of you had been in a "friends with benefits relationship" for over a year and a half. Fun meant the two of you sneaking off to some hidden section of the castle or the room of requirement to fuck your frustrations away. The arrangement had worked just fine for the most part. Both of you acted as friends during the day (with the hint of mutual pining) then at night both of you would be all over each other.
No one seemed to notice anything different about your relationship with Regulus and if any had any suspicions they didn’t speak of it. Regulus had been glued to you since your first year so it wasn’t uncommon to see the two of you together constantly.
Everything about the arrangement had been just fine for you until you started developing feelings for Regulus. The realization hit you like a brick to the stomach around month five of the “arrangement.” You had started to look beyond Regulus’ good looks to see the man who he was beneath it all. He wasn’t the shrewd, sarcastic boy that everyone else saw. With you, Regulus was gentle and cared about what you wanted or needed. He knew how to please you and often left you crying out underneath him (or on top of him).
The problem was Regulus didn’t seem interested in taking this relationship up to the next level. You would have been thrilled if he would have asked you to be his girlfriend...but it never happened. He instead seemed happy with just keeping you under his watchful gaze with the title of “best friend.”
Sitting up, you knew that if the two of you didn’t get a move on there would be no time for breakfast. Pulling your shirt on, you froze the moment that you felt Regulus’ hand on your shoulder.
“Wait, I forgot to cover up a love bite.”
You sighed as he took out his wand and pointed it to the very noticeable bite on your neck. What you didn’t say to Regulus was that you wanted to stop hiding the bites. You wanted to be able to kiss him in public...but how could you when he didn’t seem interested?
What you didn’t know was Regulus was feeling the same way. He had been silently brooding over feelings of love and desperation for the past few months and didn’t know how to deal with them. Never in his life had he had these feelings before. Now that he had them, Regulus had no idea what to do with them.
What if you didn’t love him back?
What if saying how much he loved you turned you off and you wanted nothing more to do with him?
Was Regulus ready to risk losing the chance to give you physical love if you would accept the romantic side of things?
There were so many “what ifs” that Regulus was left deciding to keep all of his feelings on the inside and suffer in silence. Suffering in silence was, after all, what he was good at. You would be yet another reason for him to keep quiet. Regulus didn’t want to lose the one bright spot in his life. The last thing that he wanted was to lose the one real friend that he had in his life. You had been his best friend since first year and hell would freeze over before Regulus let you get away from him.
“Reg, are you ready? We need to get going?”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He quickly looked up and nodded before throwing on his robe.
Slipping into the great hall, Evan was the first to look up when you sat down beside Regulus. He looked up over his half-eaten breakfast. You gave Evan a warning look as if begging him not to say anything. Evan was the only person that remotely knew of your “true” feelings about Regulus and had been sworn to secrecy. That didn’t mean that he had to be quiet about it in private. Evan had encouraged you multiple times to talk to Regulus but you never did.
“Good morning to the both of you. Where have you two been?”
Regulus didn’t turn to look at you. He took a sip of the drink that Evan shoved in front of him.
“Sorry, my brother and his idiot friends were pranking some poor Ravenclaw. It was such a disaster that we couldn’t look away.”
Evan chuckled.
“That is highly believable. It's like watching a world-class disaster.”
You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“Detention is their second home. If you two will excuse me a moment. I need to go talk to someone.”
Regulus knew that you were going to talk to one of your female Slytherin friends. You didn’t have many of them but the few that you had were halfway decent. Regulus didn’t feel bad giving up some of his time for the two.
“When are you going to ask her out?”
Regulus looked up at Evan’s comment.
“You heard me. The two of you have it so bad for each other.”
Regulus snorted.
“You’re full of shit.”
Evan shrugged as Jacob Brown from Ravenclaw walked across the great hall to where you sat with Ameile Adams.
“Yeah, well, how do you feel about that boy talking to your girl?”
Regulus immediately sat up straight and frowned as he watched Jacob’s mouth moving. You, meanwhile, sat appearing stunned. Regulus didn’t like that look on your face. Was Jacob making you uncomfortable? Did Regulus need to kick his ass? If so, he didn’t mind. He was bigger than Jacob. It was more than a fair fight.
“Come on.”
Regulus snapped before getting up and storming over to where you sat with Evan on his heels like a puppy.
Jacob barely looked up when Regulus sat down beside you.
“I’ll talk to you about it soon. Thanks for the consideration.”
Jacob grinned before turning and walking off looking freakishly proud of himself. Before Regulus could ask what happened you turned to face him.
“How bizarre, Jacob asked me on a date.”
Regulus immediately felt his stomach drop to his feet. Evan’s mouth had dropped too and he didn’t dare turn to his best friend. He didn’t have to look at Regulus to know that the boy was in an internal panic.
“And you said?”
Regulus questioned. You shrugged.
“Well, I said yes. It’s just a lunch date on Saturday.”
“But my quidditch game is Saturday. You always come to that.”
Regulus immediately snapped. You frowned, slightly taken back by your best friend’s sudden horrid mood. If you didn’t know better, you would think that Regulus was jealous. You knew better than that though. That would mean that Regulus would care about you in a more than friendly way. He was probably only upset because you were going to miss his quidditch match. You, of all people, knew how much that meant to him.
“Reg, it's just one match. I come to them all.”
Regulus’ eyes were darker than normal as he glared at you. He sat a moment before muttering “whatever” under his breath before standing up and storming off.
“What the hell was that?”
You questioned. Ameile, seemed as surprised as you did. She didn’t respond as Evan laughed.
“I think Reggie is feeling a bit jealous.”
Regulus avoided you for the better part of the day. He was literally nowhere to be found and it was starting to bug you. If Regulus was so jealous of some other guy dating you then why didn’t he man up and ask you himself?
You are overthinking this. This is just about the stupid quidditch match.
You thought angrily as you stormed down to the quidditch pitch. Practice for the Slytherin team should be over within the next few minutes. If Regulus thought that he was going to get away without the tongue lashing of a lifetime then he obviously didn’t know you too well. The last thing that you were about to be was some “poor pitiful” soul.
Regulus stood talking to another teammate when you finally spotted him. Normally, you would have patiently waited for him to come to join you. As much as you didn’t care for anything athletic, you knew how much quidditch meant to Regulus would come to watch him practice or his matches. That’s what good friends did.
You could see Evan sitting in the stands in your typical place with Barty Crouch Jr. He automatically grinned before elbowing Barty in the ribs. You of all people knew that Evan was waiting for some kind of “show.” If he pulled out a bucket of popcorn, you wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.
Regulus had finally looked up. His gaze met yours before quickly looking away. He said something to the other boy and turned to go off in the opposite direction.
“Oh hell no, you didn’t”
You grumbled before going after him.
“Regulus, wait!”
He didn’t turn. Regulus apparently decided that he was going to refuse to acknowledge your presence.
“Regulus Arcturus Black, I said fucking wait! I swear to god if you don’t stop ignoring me I am going to fucking hex the hell out of you and you know that I can do it.”
Regulus finally glanced over his shoulder.
“Whatever, sweetheart. See you tonight.”
The little jab about sleeping together quickly got under your skin. Is that how he felt? Did he think that he was going to get to be inside of you after treating you like this?
“Whatever right back to you, sweetheart.”
Regulus laughed at that. His next comment was about to be very crude but he didn’t care.
“So how do you think that your little boyfriend is going to like knowing that I feed you my cock every night? Do you think Jacob will like knowing that you are fucking another guy on the regular?”
You turned and stormed off in the opposite direction before you said something that you were really going to regret later.
Ameile looked up when you barged into the common room. She was surprised to see the angry expression on your pretty face.
“Okay, Y/n?”
You shook your head.
“Hell no. I hate Regulus.”
Ameile looked totally surprised by the comment that came out of your mouth. You never said anything bad about Regulus. Ameile had literally never heard you say a single bad thing about Regulus. When Ameile began a friendship with you, she thought that the two of you were Regulus’ girlfriend. She was honestly shocked when Evan told her differently.
“What did he do?”
You sat down and slammed your head onto the headrest.
“I can’t tell you everything. He’s just being a jealous shit.”
Ameile raised an eyebrow.
“Oh come on, Y/n. We tell each other everything. I can assure you that there is nothing about you that would honestly shock me.”
You knew that you didn’t need to tell Ameile your biggest most guarded secret but at the moment you needed advice from someone who wasn’t Regulus.
“Fine, don’t breathe a word of this to anyone or I will hex you. Regulus and I have been friends with benefits for a while...well....well...fuck I have feelings for the git. He’s been a seething jealous little shit since Jacob asked for that date. Well, me being the joyful person that I am, decided to call him on his garbage and you know what the ass said? He had the nerve to say, see you tonight, sweetheart AFTER FUCKING AVOIDING ME ALL GOD DAMNED FUCKING DAY!”
Ameile looked totally surprised by your outburst. She had honestly figured that you were sleeping with Regulus and now that she had the confirmation she was thrilled.
“That was a little bold on his end.”
“A little bold? I want to punch his fucking face in then kiss him. What is wrong with me?”
Ameile giggled.
“Nothing. There is nothing wrong with you at all. What did you tell him?”
You laughed.
“Whatever right back to you, sweetheart. I should have said it was going to be just you and your hand but I was so mad that I didn’t think of it.”
Ameile smiled before getting up.
“Come on, let's get you a drink. Evan has some whiskey and I have access to it.”
Half an hour later, you were pleasantly buzzed yet still feeling ready to fight. Ameile had put on some record and the lyrics hit perfectly.
“Feeling better?”
Ameile asked. You nodded.
“Feeling saintly.”
You replied as Regulus stepped into the common room with Evan behind him. Both boys automatically winced at the volume of the record that was blaring. In fact, they had heard it as soon as they stepped into the dungeons.
“That noise is coming from here.”
Regulus groaned. Evan noticed his bottle of whiskey in your hand and decided that it wasn’t worth losing a limb or getting a black eye over.
“Are you two drunk?”
Evan shouted over the music. You shook your head.
“Just buzzed and enjoying our boy hating music.”
You said the last part and focused your eyes right on Regulus who was clearly hearing what the song was saying..
I'm not here for your entertainment. You don't really want to mess with me tonight. Just stop and take a second. I was fine before you walked into my life. Cause you know it's over before it began. Keep your drink, just give me the money. It's just you and your hand tonight…
Regulus waited all of three seconds before realizing this was your drunken way of telling him to piss off and that he wasn’t getting a goddamned thing from you that night.
The next morning, you awoke in your own bed for the first time in a week. Groaning, you sat up. Just what the hell had you been doing the night before and what did Ameile give you to drink?
“Hey, are you awake?”
Ameile’s voice was super cheerful and loud. You winced before moving to get a clean uniform on.
“I’m alive if that is what you are asking. Where the hell did you get that booze?”
You rolled your eyes. Of course, it was Evan. Evan was the guy that you didn’t take booze from. Whatever he had would knock you on your ass and leave you drunk as fuck singing songs about stuff that made no sense.
“A word of advice, never take alcohol from Evan Rosier.”
Ameile shrugged with a grin.
“Come on, let's go get some food in you. I’m sure a nice piece of toast will make you feel better.”
Stepping into the great hall, you groaned at all of the loudness that was surrounding you. Regulus was staring right at you when you finally looked up. It didn’t take you being his friend to know that he was ticked off about something.
Probably me telling him that it was just him and his hand for company.
You thought before sitting down beside Ameile. Evan was cheerfully talking to Barty about something as he turned to you.
“Good morning, star shine. You look a bit rough.”
You didn’t hesitate to flip Evan off to his face.
“Fuck you and your booze, Rosier. If I wouldn’t puke on you, I would come over and beat the shit out of you.”
Evan looked a bit taken back as Regulus took his place beside you.
“That’s rude.”
Evan commented as you whined when Ameile started scraping butter on the piece of toast in front of her.
“Would you stop?”
You snapped. The sound of the knife scratching the toast was about to drive you nuts. How long did it take someone to put goddamn butter on a goddamn slice of toast? Ameile put the bread down before putting her hands in her lap.
Regulus’ voice was soft. Finally, something that wasn’t making your head throb.
You replied as his long fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Can we go talk? Alone?”
“I guess.”
You said as he stood up and gently pulled you along after him.
Walking in silence, you didn’t realize where you were going until the room of requirement’s door closed behind you.
“Here, drink this.”
Regulus said before handing you a cup. You looked down at it before snorting.
“Yeah, so you can poison me?”
It was Regulus’ turn to scoff.
“Would you stop it? I wouldn’t harm you.”
You finally took a sip of the drink and felt instantly back to your normal self. Looking up, you shook your head.
Regulus questioned. You nodded.
“It's a good thing that you are so wonderful at potions. I felt like death. What the fuck is wrong with Evan to drink that?”
Regulus laughed.
“It's Evan that we are talking about. Look Y/n, I wanted to apologize about yesterday. I was...I was a dick and you didn’t deserve it.”
“Why did you act like that?”
You questioned. Regulus shoved his hands in his pockets before his eyes rolled up to you innocently.
“Because I love you...and knowing that you are going to go on a date with Jacob is destroying me because it's not me.”
You knew that you had to be staring at Regulus with your mouth open for a while.
“You love me?”
Regulus nodded. He knew that he had to get his feelings out before he lost you for good.
“I do. I’ve been afraid to tell you because I thought that you would reject me. It looks like that is what you are doing by going out with Jacob so I fucked everything up anyway.”
“I never told Jacob yes...for what it's worth. Furthermore, I love you too, Regulus. I’ve been in love with you for so long. You just never seemed to be interested so I kept it myself.”
Regulus reached out to cup your cheek.
“Sweetheart, I love you. I want to be with you.”
You placed your hand on top of his.
“I want to be with you too. Regulus, I’m yours.”
Regulus looked as if he had won the lottery.
“I’m yours too.”
The kiss was soft and timid at first before growing needy. Neither of you was the least bit worried about the need to breathe.
“The bed...get on the bed.”
Regulus moaned against your lips as your hand gently palmed him through his trousers. You didn’t have to be told twice. This was the quickest that you had undressed in a long time. Sure, sex with Regulus was enough to get you naked anytime that he asked but this time it was different. The two of you weren’t just having sex as friends with benefits anymore. You were making love as a couple.
You quickly lay down on your stomach bringing your leg up giving Regulus access to your waiting core.
“Get inside of me.”
You ordered. Regulus didn’t have to be told twice. He was on the bed behind you in an instant. His fingers gripped your hips pulling you up enough to bury himself inside of you.
Fuck, she’s dripping wet.
Regulus thought. He knew that he was going to have to stop thinking or he would explode quicker than he needed to. Regulus wanted to take things slow. He wanted to watch every moment of pleasure that graced your face. Knowing that he was going to be the only one to make you smile this way was more than enough to stroke his male ego.
Regulus set a punishingly slow rhythm. You were clearly getting annoyed with his slower than normal teasing and tried to speed Regulus up by pressing back into his body. Regulus was not about to let that happen.
“If you don’t be a good girl then I’m going to flip you over and lick your pussy nice and slow. I think you know me well enough to know that I won’t let you come.”
“I want to hold you.”
You moan as Regulus slowly pumped into you again. Regulus considered your request for a moment before pulling out enough to gently roll you onto your back. He was back inside before you had enough time to come up with something crafty. At the moment, all Regulus wanted was to show you just who you belonged to. It was him...not that Jacob guy whose name you wouldn’t remember by morning.
You cried his name before tangling one hand in his hair and the other arm around his back. Regulus’ mouth was on yours. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room along with your cries of completion, as with each thrust of his hips, you were coming closer to falling off the edge.
“Damn it, sugar, you should feel how you're spasming around me. I’m so close baby. Would you like me to finish you off?”
You feebly nodded as Regulus reached between your joined bodies to tease your clit. His middle finger went from rubbing in a up and down pattern before switching to a circular pattern then back to the original.
“Fuck, yes. Regulus, please.”
You cried out, not caring if anyone in the castle could hear the two of you fucking like bunnies. Regulus picked his speed up abusing your already spasming core over and over.
“Good girl.”
Regulus praised as you finally came. His eyes had closed as he focused on his own release. Regulus wanted nothing more than to keep fucking you until you begged for mercy but...today...that wasn’t going to happen.
“You’re too fucking good, sweetheart.”
Regulus cooed, feeling his own release building. Your hand was on his cheek silently begging him to look into your eyes.
“Let me on your lap.”
Regulus silently agreed to whatever plan that you had to make him come. He sat up, stroking his length as you positioned yourself over him. Regulus groaned when you slid down onto him. Right as Regulus started to thrust again, you shook your head.
“No. Be still.”
Regulus groaned as your body gripped him tighter if possible. He wanted nothing more than to thrust up into you but he did as he was told. Regulus could be the perfect most devious of a dom but with one of the flip of the switch, he could be an obedient submissive.
“Be still, darling. Just relax. Enjoy the feeling of being inside of me. I’m still so wet, Reggie.”
He had a good idea what you were going to do. You were going to make him come just by being inside of you. This was one of your favorite activities when Regulus was desperate to come. You would sit snuggled on his lap with his cock inside of you while you stroked your fingers through his hair and whispered erotically to him.
“Not tonight.”
Regulus replied before snapping his hips one final time and coming inside of you. You moaned as his mouth closed on yours sealing the moment.
It was Regulus that was the first to move. He gently moved to lay you on your side. You only had to wait a moment before Regulus had his arms wrapped around you. Snuggling your face into his chest, you yawned happily.
“So I guess I should properly ask you to be my girlfriend?”
Regulus said with a truly happy smile. You quickly responded with a kiss.
“That’s me saying yes.”
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @spiderxalmighty @teletubiswszpilkach @whymyparentscheckmyphone @fific7 @jessyballet @knreidy1 @criminalyetminimal @rubyroscoe1 @acciosiriusblack @bennyberry @hazncalsgal @exhsle @lucasfilms77 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @li0nh34rt @tas898 @marichromatic @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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starburstgalexies · 3 years ago
Ryunosuke: I am in a relationship now. Yeah. With three beautiful men - yes, at the same time, but please stop coming to me for advice, I have no clue how that happened, either. We recently moved in together, and calling our life at home hectic is an understatement. For example, Barok and I are reasonable human beings, we like to rise with the sun, and use nighttime for its intended purpose - sleep. Unfortunately, we also happen to harbor two night gremlins that go by the name Herlock and Kazuma. You don’t understand, if left to their own devices, they would break havoc downstairs until sunrise, and we are at a point where we’d honestly let them suffer if we didn’t also have to work with them in the morning. They won’t listen to us, though, but oh, they are smooth talkers, you talk to them and they promise you they would be mindful, then you go upstairs, settle under your blankets, and they never. Come. Up. You go back down to check on them at three in the morning, and you’ll find them surrounded by your daughter’s toys, trying to one up each other designing the most convoluted murder scenes. There is a plushie in the middle of it all, all the stuffing painted red and pouring out, and Kazuma swears he will stitch it back by the morning but you know Herlock will burn it up in approximately forty minutes for a mid-investigation twist. So Barok and I took drastic measures - and recruited our daughter, Iris. There are only three people that can get Herlock in line, my father-in-law, who is currently in Japan, Kazuma, who is the other half of the problem, and Iris, the most efficient weapon amongst them all. Similarly, Kazuma is only tamed by two people, his adoptive father, again, in Japan, and Iris, of course. Now, Iris is smart. Efficient. She doesn’t waste her time and energy trying to get both Herlock and Kazuma in bed. She plays to their weaker link, Kazuma, who at least has a sense of responsibility and duty, and she trusts him to drag Herlock alongside him. And that’s precisely what he does. Alright, perhaps not drag, to be perfectly honest, but carry. Kazuma is technically larger than I am, but he is still an Asian man, and next to our British husbands, he looks so awfully tiny. And let me tell you, there is no grander sight than this 5′9′’ man hoist a tall, lanky detective up his shoulder and climb the stairs, and throw him all the way from the doorway onto the bed as though he were a cannon ball. Worst part is, I have grown addicted to it. I have grown addicted to having an eighty-kilo ragdoll bounce right beside me on the mattress before I went to sleep. Last week, Kazuma and Barok went to Belgium for an investigation, and on a whim, Herlock followed them, leaving me alone at home with only our daughter and sister-in-law. I couldn’t sleep a blink until two a.m., and at that point, I begged Susato-san to throw something by my side. She was tired, and her aim was off, so she ended up hurling a whole barrel of wine at me. My ribs were cracked, and I still slept like a baby. 
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yeojaa · 5 years ago
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He's never met you but you know how he sounds when he wakes up from a nap and his greatest fears.  You know the way he sings after a shower and that he could be mistaken for a dying seal when he's laughing too hard.  The best part?  You don't judge him for any of it - including the fact he's a filthy Widow main.  He might just love you.
alt summary.  Jeon Jungkook has a big fat crush on a girl he's never met.
pairing.  jeon jungkook
genre + rating.  fluffy crack. general, for now.
warning / tags.  long-distance relationship, crushes, canon compliant (ish),  eventual happy ending, gaming, gamer!jungkook, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, overwatch.  tags are hard.  :( 
reading.   n/a.  a three part one-shot.
word count.  ~3400
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part i.
JUNGKOOK’S ROOM Sunday, 10 November, 2019.  2:13 AM.
It’s 2:13 AM when Jeon Jungkook finally finds a match, the familiar in-game sound dragging his attention away from the illuminated screen of his iPhone to the monitor before him.  He studies the SR - 3779 and 3761, respectively - and skims burning eyes across the members on each team.  Four rocks, including himself, and two Masters.
One of them has a strange name - BIGMELON - that he stares at until he's zoning out, trying to make sense of it.  Was his teammate a pervert or just hilarious?
"Good luck and have fun, everyone!"  
Your cheer filters through his headphones crystal clear but he's somehow still surprised, head tilting curiously to the side.  He hadn't expected a girl to be playing Overwatch at quarter past two in the morning.
When there's no response - he notices no one else is in the voice chat, an oddity for such a high ranking game - he takes it upon himself to keep you company.  His username lights up as his finger glides across the ALT key, sleep-worn words breaking the silence.
"Thanks, you too."
Nothing follows until BIGMELON appears once again in the upper left-hand corner of his screen.  You have a nice voice, he thinks.  "Are you sticking with Widow?"
Jungkook takes in the team comp:  Sigma, Hog, Genji, and Lucio.  A little unconventional but not wholly un-doable.  They're on King's Row, too, which is one of his favourite maps.  Balanced enough that people aren't too salty when they get headshot but with enough coverage that he can get clear picks.  
"Should I?"
"If you want."  A pause and your hero slot is filled with Mercy's portrait.  "I can damage boost."
He thinks he can hear the teasing.  It's soft and sweet and a little rough - like you'd just woken up.  
"Who says I need it?"  Comes his immediate response, question chased out of his mouth by a laugh he can't help.  It echoes, filling the quiet of his bedroom.  He hopes you don't take it the wrong way.
"O—kay, Widow main.  We'll see if you get anything from me."
It's an empty threat because you're giggling along with him.  It's distracting in the strangest way.  The sound bounces around in his ears and he can't help but focus on it, realizing belatedly that he's still sitting in spawn as the timer runs down for setting up defence.  
"Are you going to join us?"  You quip, emoting right beside his stationary sniper.  "I didn't queue just to have someone go AFK."  
Mischief colours your words and he laughs again, snorting as he finally presses W.  Two sets of footsteps echo in game and he presses SHIFT once he's hit point - and with just a few seconds left to spare - launching Widowmaker's body onto the balcony overwatching it.  Mercy follows, Guardian Angel carrying her into the air to alight behind the blue-skinned hero.  
As the timer hits 0:01, Jungkook right-clicks, scoping in on the second-floor spawn door.
The kill feed reads DDEOKKOOKI x STRIKER007.
"I guess you didn't need the damage boost."  
He can't help the sound he makes - a marriage between a witch's shriek and a pig's snort.  It leaps out of his mouth, louder than he intends, and he feels equally bad for you and his hyungs.  He's definitely going to get an earful in the morning - or any minute now, when one of them bursts into his room to berate him for being so loud.  "I told you."
"Yeah, yeah."  The way you speak has him grinning from ear to ear, nose scrunching in amusement.  Mercy is flying across the map, healing stream trained on Genji as the cyborg ninja just narrowly misses an errant Hanzo arrow and dashes back to point.  "I'm gonna take care of the rest of our team.  Let me know if you need anything, O' Headshot God."
You're clowning him hard but he knows it's all in good fun.  Still, he likes the nickname and decides to keep it, effectively picking off the attacking team's stealthily half-hidden Junkrat and Ana right after. 
Then he's dinked in the head - health dropping to 30 from the partially-charged shot.  He needs heals like yesterday.
Unfortunately, Lucio is up at choke with the tanks, skating circles around the base of the statue as they hold point.  Jungkook doesn't see you immediately - he’s scanning his screen for your witch skin (of course) - only realizing you've appeared at his side when his health bar begins to climb.  "Try to stay alive, yeah?"
"My bad,"  he drawls, scoping in the same instant the kill feed announces two more enemy deaths. 
There are only a critical Reinhardt and protected Zarya left.  The former falls the moment he drops shield and her bubble doesn't reset in time;  the Russian tank dies in the next instant, his charged shot firing the moment it hits 100%.  
"Thanks for the damage boost."
"Any time."
Then you're gone, off to support the rest of your team again while he grapples onto a different ledge and continues his oppressive gameplay.  He feels a little bad when the opposing team goes double shield tank and swaps their Junkrat for a Pharah.  He feels less so when he's slept out of nowhere. Four seconds feels like an eternity when he’s out in the open - vulnerable as a baby lamb in a den of lions.
"Looks like you're really making them mad."  You'd been relatively quiet when not tending to him - likely because it was only the two of you in voice chat - and he startles when your comment breaks the quiet lofi he has going in the background. 
"I don't know why.  I'm just having fun."  He's lying.  You're laughing.  
"Too much fun, I think."  
"Maybe they should be better."  Jungkook says this like he's commenting on the weather or the colour of the sky - offhand and nonchalant.  It makes your giggles come harder.  He can hear the scratch of your mic as if you've doubled over and it's now pressed into cotton clothing.  He can't help but pat himself on the back.
"Please don't tell me you're going to 'gg ez' them when we're done."
Now he's feigned offense, gasping at the mere thought.  "Of course not.  I'm not that rude!"
"Well, you never know."  You're right.  People could be the worst when it came to online gaming, spewing vitriol and hurling insults the moment their egos were bruised (or inflated). 
"I promise I'm not an asshole."  He's not really sure why he feels the need to make this abundantly clear.  After all, he'd probably never play with you again.  Korea's density of players was just too great - you were just one in hundreds, thousands, millions. 
Still, he smiles when you reassure him you don't think he is.  "I'm just teasing.  You seem nice."
"I am nice."  Spoken in the same instance he lands two consecutive headshots - one on the bouncing, wall-riding enemy Lucio and the other on the momentarily grounded Pharah.  You must see that, because you're mocking him in that dulcet tone of yours, caramel coating words and turning them soft like toffee. 
"Not according to them."  And not that you mind, it seems, because you're damage boosting him as he catches their out-of-position Rein in his sight.  He whoops in triumph, eliciting another bemused sound from you. 
"You know they're going to do everything to counter you when we go on attack."  Which was in sub-one minute, the timer counting down the last thirty seconds of your team's defense. 
"Who says I'm going Widow again?"  
You're scandalized.  "You mean you're not just a filthy Widow main?"
For a moment, Jungkook wonders if this is how his older members feel when he (and Jimin and Taehyung) mercilessly rib them.  He thinks it must be and oh, how the tables have turned.  He decides he doesn't really mind, though.  It's all innocent fun and it's keeping him awake, aided by the cold brew he'd chugged at midnight. 
"Woah - says the Mercy player?"
"Mercy is a respectable support, okay!"
"Sure, e-girl."  
"Take that back!"  How the words explode out of his headphones makes him momentarily worry he might've overstepped but by the way your laughter chases it forward, he knows he hasn't.  You can take it just as well as you can dish it.  
"Okay, okay.  You're a not bad healer."  Because he hasn't died yet and last he checked, neither had your tanks.  Genji had once or twice - to be expected, given his playstyle - and you had, but that was still pretty respectable.
He can practically hear you rolling your eyes.  "Oh, thanks."  
"Any time, BigMelon."  
"That's ‘daebak’ to you, pal."  Had he heard you wrong?
"What'd you say?"  
There's a long pause - he's not sure whether it's for comedic purpose or something else.  You sound muffled on the other end, as if you're repressing sound.  "Because watermelon?  Su-bak?  So big melon is dae-bak?"  Whatever you had stifled earlier disappears, torn away by the pride that shines bright yellow and boisterous in your peals of laughter.
It's such a bad joke that Jungkook feels like he's about to have an aneurysm.  Were you Jin moonlighting as a Master support player? 
"You're kidding me."  He wonders if you hear him above your own glee, giggles making it hard for him to hear himself think.  "What're you - a dad?"
You scoff now, parroting his words back to him.  "What're you - the pun police?"  
Another one?
He briefly considers ALT + F4-ing his way out of this match and away from your corniness.  Considers it but ultimately decides against it, instead remaining stoically silent and choosing McCree when the hero selection screen slides into place.  His silence will surely speak volumes.  
"You know that was funny!"  By the way he can practically hear your pout - it's endearing, much to his chagrin - he thinks you know where he stands.  
"Not the word I'd use."
"You just have bad taste, McCree."  You say it scathingly yet full of mirth, a sniff punctuating the end of your rebuttal. 
"Do not!"  He returns, just as quickly.  
"Prove it.  Laugh at my joke!"  You're shameless, confident, reassured - it makes him chuckle.  
You take it as his surrender though, your own laughter blending seamlessly with his.  It goes on for longer than is strictly speaking necessary, crowding like cotton balls in his ears as you leave sprays of your hero - Ana this time - across the spawn walls.  He wrecks every one of yours with his own, BAMF displayed in 1440p. 
"Hey - stop that!"  It doesn't matter that the round is about to start - you're spamming your melee button into him.  He immediately does it back, toggling between that and his voice line. 
The rest of your team is probably wondering what the hell you're both doing.  
"Stop distracting me!"  He barks into his mic, deep dimples on full display, nose scrunched adorably.  He doesn't really mind - it's clear by his hyena cackles that follow - and he likes when your chorus of shut up's pitch and leap with your giggling. 
As he navigates McCree out behind your tanks, he can't help but wish - maybe a little selfishly - that they'll lose this round and go into a best of three.  When the opposing team's healers both die - one to Ashe's dynamite and the other to Zarya's high-charged beam - he knows that's not going to happen.  Your team's going to cap point and then you're going to be gone - off to the next game and never to be matched with again.
"We did it, McCree."  You sound deeply pleased as the last of the defenders fall, leaving point uncontested.  The Lucio on your team lingers by the choke, ready to boop any last minute hoodlums;  Echo hovers just above the enemy’s spawn, dealing damage the moment any hero comes in view.  One of your tanks is already emoting.
VICTORY flashes across his screen.  
"We sure did, BigMelon."
The cards come next - they're all for your team, though he isn't surprised.  You'd gotten 37 defensive assists whereas he had 27% Infra-Sight uptime.  He's sure you both vote for each other, the remaining four going to your other support's Sound Barrier casts.  
"Thanks for the carry."  He doesn't mean it facetiously.  This is some of the most fun he's had in-game in ages.
"You're welcome,"  you chirp.  He thinks you'll leave right after.
Instead, you both sit in voice chat in silence, watching the timer in the upper right-hand corner. 
"Do you want to duo?"  You ask in the same instance he does, breaking the both of you into a fit of laughter.  It's more distracting than he realizes, the FINDING MATCH countdown replacing the end game statistics while you’re both still cackling.
Luckily, you invite him to a group right as he removes himself from queue.
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JUNGKOOK’S ROOM Tuesday, 24 December, 2019.  11 PM.
It’s six weeks and a good three dozen games later - a feat for him, considering how much of his time is eaten up by literally every other obligation he has - when he asks for your name, not realizing the consequences of his action.  
“Most people call me Jinny.”  He thinks it fits you, bright and pretty and punchy.  “What’s your name?”
Jungkook's unprepared for the question, though he shouldn’t be.  Of course you’d want to know.  Anyone would, if they’d already given their own answer.
He's silent for the longest time, quiet stretching on and on over group voice chat.  He applauds you for your patience, how you don't press him on it when the hesitation has descended from appropriate to downright awkward.
"Uh."  The word drops like a weight, crashing through the tentative friendship you've built over the past weeks.  
"You don't have to tell me,"  you supply as softly as he's ever heard you.  It's the first time you've seemed uncertain - and it bothers him that he's the reason.  "I get that we haven't known each other that long."  
As if that's actually the issue.  He would've told you the night you spent four hours together, taking wins left and right, filling the time in between matches with silly banter that had his jaw aching from laughter.  He would’ve told you on that random Thursday, when you’d listened to him talk about his busy day, effortlessly keeping him occupied - and amused - while your SR nearly descended below 3500.  He would’ve even told you yesterday, when you’d said you were going to bed, only to be roped into another six games by Jungkook’s eagerness.
It has absolutely nothing to do with time - or the lack thereof.
But he can't say that - can't tell you who he really is - so he improvises as best he can.  "My friends call me Jay."
"Jay, huh?"  You turn the sound over on your tongue, like you're tasting it for the first time, trying to decide whether you love it or hate it.  He hopes you don’t hate it.  "Then I guess we're the best J-duo to ever exist."
"Woah, we?"  He's only doing it to rile you up, finding it cute when you huff and puff and threaten to let him die in-game.  You never make good on the threat anyway;  you just like to see him sweat, watching as his health bar drops to measly single digits.  "I don't think I agreed to that."  
It's your turn to mock him, that same edge turning your words into sour candy.  "Fine.  You can find yourself a new healer.  We'll see how your SR likes that, Bronzie boy!"  
Neither of you really take the game that seriously but he gasps like he's been shot.  
"No!  Don't leave me with them!"  The way he howls the plea is enough to return you both to your rightful place - one filled with boisterous laughter and things he never thought would see the light of day.
Because somehow, he's found somewhere he feels safe - a place he feels like himself, with no pretenses or expectations.  It’s where he can rant and rave, bouncing from topic to topic like an energizer bunny with no end in sight.  It’s, oddly enough, with you.  
Connected through voice chat and built by an endless stream of communication - sometimes productive, other times not - the space you’ve carved out together has come to feel like a third home.  It isn’t quite what he has with his family or his members but it’s just as nice.
Different, but nice.
"Fine.  You're forgiven."  You sniff in that peculiar way of yours and he snickers loudly.  "How was your day?"
And this is why it is - because it's ordinary.  It’s where Jungkook can rest his head and drift for a while without worry of what’s over the horizon, ready to swallow him whole the moment he takes his eyes off the calm blue sea.  He's not raised on a pedestal with you, all the weight of his choices resting on his shoulders.  He's just a normal guy playing games.  
It might not make up for all the years of normalcy he's missed out on - the movies after school, the street markets on weekends, the holiday parties with classmates - but it's enough.  
He eats it up like he's been starved of it.
"Busy.  Really busy.  I had dance practice all afternoon and forgot to eat so I'm dying now."  There'd been a time - about three weeks in - when he'd chosen his words more carefully.  He'd been worried he might let something slip but he's found what feels like the sweet spot now, where he can tell you about his day without thinking he’ll suddenly shatter the image you have of him.
It's not always easy - he has to remember to never mention names or intimate details - but it's better than nothing.  He can finally tell someone about his day like he wants - all of the good and the bad, too.
"You should make something to eat!"
He's used to your reprimands but he still laughs, crossing his long legs beneath him as he readjusts in his computer chair.  "But we're in queue."
"Jay!"  It comes out devoid of static, clear as the waning sunshine that filters through his blinds and reflects particles of dust that drift lazily through his bedroom.
"I'll make something after we win."  He knows what you're thinking - that he's gone and jinxed your whole night.  You’re weirdly superstitious, something he's learned only recently.
As if right on cue:  "Shut up!"  
Your words sweep his expression up with glee and giddiness, like a kid on Christmas morning;  lines dig themselves into the bridge of his nose and the delicate skin beneath his eyes.  Jungkook tells himself it’s the usual pre-game jitters but he knows it’s more than that.  
It’s you and that infectious giggle that careens through his headphones, making him see everything in a pretty haze of warmth.
He’s not sure when you’d started having this particular effect on him - maybe since the beginning? - but he feels it now, clearer than ever.  Every tinkling laugh makes his heart speed up, thump around his chest like a baseball missing its mark.  The sight of you logging in elicits the biggest, possibly dorkiest smile, all slightly too-big front teeth and deep dimples.  You have him rushing through his post-practice showers and devouring dinner in half the time he usually would just to get online a minute more quickly.  
There's just something about you. 
And sure - a part of him wonders whether it's all in his head (as if it could be anywhere else).  Wonders if he's seeing you through rose-tinted glasses, doing to you what so many do to him.  Was he in over his head, praying to a deity that didn't even know he existed?  
Sometimes it felt that way - a little out of reach, like childhood crushes and summer love and wishing upon a star.  Certainly far too much for a blossoming friendship of just a month and a half.  
But then you laugh and it's Pop Rocks fizzling in his stomach and he knows that no - it's there and it's real.
Jeon Jungkook has a big fat crush on a girl he's never met. 
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notes.  i love overwatch and i love jeon jeongguk.  what more can i say?  :)
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fantasia-monogram · 3 years ago
As the clock strikes midnight, part 2
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / epilogue
♥️ Taeyang x reader (nonbinary, female anatomy) x Jaeyoon; mentions of other SF9 members
♥️ NSFW (~1.7k words); a lot of sex talk and kink negotiation. Mentions of BDSM and kink. No one is 100% straight. Mentions of queerphobia.
♥️ You’re a beast at work, having to be tough to climb up the corporate ladder, but what you never thought of is that your attitude might be intimidating to your long time crush. Luckily, your much more laid back friend is here to help... both of you. Please read part 1 before this!
♥️ Disclaimer: this is just for fun! I’m not claiming that’s how they are in real life, it’s just my imagination doing whatever it wants. Read at your own discretion.
Your impromptu get-together had been going for over two hours already, and you’d loved every minute of it so far. Your motivation had been mostly spending some time with Taeyang away from the workplace, but you had to admit: your other companion’s intentions towards you weren’t clear either. You enjoyed the mystery of it all, even though it was the youngest of your trio that you had your eyes on ever since the training period started.
Well, the mystery would end there, or so you thought.
“I can’t believe I put myself in a drama-like setting, but,” Jaeyoon started, clearly down out of sudden, “That guy reviewing our results… What was his name? Inseong… I might have a bit of a crush on him.”
You stopped in the middle of bringing a cup to your lips, letting your hand holding the latte hang awkwardly in the air. With the corner of your eye, you could see Taeyang doing the same.
“Come on, don’t tell me that you’re…” Jaeyoon whined, shaking his head.
“No, hear me out,” you interrupted. Before you spoke again, you cautiously looked left and right to make sure no one else was listening. Only then, you continued with a hushed voice. “You know, it drives me crazy whenever they call me a she in those international reports. I’m non-binary, I prefer neutral pronouns. I don’t really have to worry about it on a daily basis, until English rolls in and makes me cringe.”
Your friend leaned closer to you.
“Not like I didn’t notice,” he concluded. A wide grin was back on his face. “Do you like boys, though?”
You could tell he was just joking, given his usual flirty attitude, and you didn’t have to answer at all. However, since you started confessing already, you figured you could take it seriously.
“I do, actually!” You nodded, smiling lightly.
You couldn’t believe you could talk about it openly like that.
“Oh, I don’t discriminate, I fuck everybody,” Jaeyoon replied in a seemingly playful tone, although being serious as well, “But right now? My heart belongs to the Quality Department leader.” He finished with a hand on his chest.
You both laughed wholeheartedly, until you noticed Taeyang was silent this entire time. Jaeyoon turned his eyes towards him, with you following shortly.
“What about you?” Jaeyoon asked boldly.
A look of slight panic flashed through Taeyang’s face, and you’d think it’s adorable if not for the crushing possibility of him having objections towards who you were - now that he knew, it could have changed anything.
You really didn’t want to have your heart broken after mere four weeks since starting a new job.
“I… I like g…” Taeyang stuttered, his gaze briefly catching yours. He held tight onto his cup of coffee and looked away, blushing profusely. “People with vaginas.”
“No way!” Jaeyoon exclaimed. Fortunately, he remembered the topic of your conversation and immediately toned it back down. “I’m sorry, I’d have never clocked you as straight.”
“Hey, stop it!” You smacked his bicep, earning an exaggerated wince from him.
Taeyang rolled his eyes and sighed deeply.
“It’s fine,” he stated, putting on a regretful expression. “I get that a lot. I tried everything, but that’s my final verdict for now.”
Jaeyoon kept making inappropriate jokes despite your earlier protest, but you would be lying if you said you were listening to him. Your eyes were glued on Taeyang, even though he was way too busy deflecting your other friend’s silly remarks to pay attention to you.
It wasn't the first time Jaeyoon and Taeyang have visited your place; they've been there numerous times before, together and separately. 
It was the first time, however, when they entered the apartment with all three of you feeling equally horny and not even trying to hide it. 
It couldn't have been caused by the alcohol, because you haven't had any, Taeyang only had a couple sugary drinks, and Jaeyoon got completely sober as soon as the words fun night were mentioned. Nothing had been explicitly stated, but all of you - always having been open not just about your sexual identity and orientation, but also your specific attitudes towards sex in general - have reached an unspoken agreement: everyone was getting off tonight, this way or another.
You quickly decided to take turns using the bathroom. When it was Jaeyoon's turn to shower, you were left alone with Taeyang. It was a bit awkward at first, considering his confession from earlier that you barely replied to. As soon as he sat on a sofa in the living room - smelling clean, fresh glow on his face - you took a place beside him, wearing your black satin pajamas already.
Taeyang leaned back and smiled at you blissfully. Only then, he took your hand in his; after holding it for a good minute, he intertwined your fingers.
"I'm so happy," he whispered. 
You really wished to answer in a coherent way, yet you couldn't possibly focus enough to be your usual, collected self - not when you finally had your long-time crush next to you, shirtless, lightly toned muscles and sharp outline of ribs on display.
Maybe you didn't want to shock him by showing this side of yourself so easily, but it was impossible at this point; your prettiest, prettiest boy was here, looking at you as if you were the most precious thing in the entire universe, making your heart swell with love and desire just by that. 
Not used to being so overwhelmed with emotions, you just stared back at him wide-eyed.
"Sheesh, don't tell me you started without me!" 
Jaeyoon appeared in the doorway, hair still wet and adorably curled without usual styling - a contrast to his impressive physique in nearly full glory since he, as opposed to the more reserved Taeyang, decided to step out of the bathroom wearing only boxer briefs. 
It's not like you hadn't seen him like this before, as you'd go to the pool together many times over the past few years (Taeyang always refused the invitation, even though he claimed to be a pro at swimming and even bragged about gold and silver medals he won in national competitions during high school). Yet somehow, this time, the sight hit differently, since you knew what was about to happen. 
"No way," you chuckled; Taeyang let go of your hand, which made your mood deflate a little. "Mind if we eat something first?" 
Everyone was starving after the boring company party, so you all moved to the kitchen. You couldn't hide your amusement over how the apartment looked like a dollhouse when trying to contain not just you, but also two grown men. You gave up on relationships ages ago, so when looking for a place to rent, you had only your own comfort in mind.
"Okay, first of all," you started when everyone was finished with their meal, "Are we all safe? While I was still in the dating game, I was always monogamous and did regular checkups. I haven't had any partners for the past four years." 
You cringed internally saying it out loud, but transparency was your number one priority. 
"I never do anything without a condom," Jaeyoon stated. 
As usual, Taeyang took a while before taking part in risky conversations.
"I do BDSM, but it hardly ever involved actual sex." 
"I can confirm that." Jaeyoon smiled smugly, propping his chin on his hand. 
Your eyes went comically wide at the implication. 
"Wait, what did I miss?! I thought you liked, in your words, people with vaginas?" You gasped, blood rushing to your cheeks. 
Taeyang's face turned equally red, except he decided to cover it with his hand. 
"Y/n, dear, he said that three and a half years ago," your friend explained. 
"Jaeyoon hyung had his part in my awakening as a submissive," Taeyang added, finally daring to look at you, "There was nothing sexual about it." 
"Except for the fact I watched you jerk off," the hyung in question clarified. 
"HEY!" The other guy got flushed again. 
You swallowed heavily, feeling your throat get dry all of sudden. Oh my God. You could barely sit still at this point. 
"We both like to watch," Jaeyoon concluded casually. 
"So… Wait a minute," you picked up, your head spinning from the information overload, "If I understand it correctly: Taeyang, you're a sub. Jaeyoon, we're both Doms."
The guys nodded in unison. 
"We're all into voyeurism."
Again, they confirmed with a single nod. 
"I can't believe. This is too good to be true," you said weakly, shaking your head with disbelief. 
"I have an idea," the older of your colleagues continued, "I don't wanna get too much inbetween you two."
Suddenly, Taeyang squeezed your hand under the table in a way that was borderline possessive. 
"But since it's supposed to be enjoyable for all of us… I could get a bit touchy with Y/n… I suppose watching us would be enough to get Taeyangie ready, am I right?" 
Taeyang looked to the side, his expression serious, but his body language unable to hide the excitement. 
"Humiliate me a little and I'll be fine," he muttered under his breath.
He squeezed your hand even harder. You smiled at the feeling. 
"I have one request for you," you turned to Jaeyoon, "No kissing on the lips, no hands in each other's underwear."
"I'm okay with that," he shrugged.
"You sure?" Taeyang asked. 
"No worries, just focus on yourself," the older guy chuckled, "I'll take care of myself while watching you two have fun." 
Was it happening for real? You felt like you were dreaming.
Taeyang brought you back to reality by bringing your linked hands to rest on his thigh. 
"Do we… go all the way?" He inquired in a shy tone. 
You took your time to inhale and exhale deeply before collecting yourself enough to answer. 
"Yeah, we do."
(to be continued)
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always-against-the-grain · 4 years ago
Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?” Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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sisterspooky1013 · 4 years ago
Perfect Opposites, chapter two
Rating: General Audiences
Read it on AO3
Tagging @today-in-fic
You all requested a chapter two, so here it is
I couldn’t forget it if I tried. I’ve turned it over in my memory so many times by now that it comes back to me like a well trained muscle repeating a familiar movement. There were a lot of little moments before that, but this one in particular stands out because it was the first one where I realized that he felt the same way I did.
We were an odd pairing from the start; he a pragmatic, analytical planner and me an idealistic, carefree dreamer. He used to call me a “loose cannon” and at first it was truly meant as an insult, said in a moment of frustration, but over time it became a term of endearment. That first day we worked together, I immediately noticed how handsome he was, tall and blonde with a square jaw and slim hips. He was so stoic, and my attempts to get to know him were met with one-word answers and pleas to focus on our assignment. I knew that I wasn’t bad-looking, and in fact I was quite used to men responding to me readily, so it felt like a fun challenge to try and crack his shell. I wasn’t trying to sleep with him; I was smart enough to know what that would do to my reputation. I was one of the first dozen female field agents to serve and I wasn’t about to blow it for all the others by hopping right into bed with my partner. But I was intrigued by his guarded demeanor, and the more he resisted me the more I wanted to know him. He insisted on calling me Rogers, even though I asked him repeatedly to call me Bridget. At first I called him Harry, but then I started calling him Hansen just to make a point and it stuck. It became a dance; I would tease and flirt with him, he would ignore my advances while we worked a case, and every once in a while he would give me a little something. First, it was little jokes, told so dryly that I had to look for the barely-there smirk on his lips to be sure he was intentionally being funny. Getting him to smile was a game in and of itself, but when I got one it was like magic. He was so beautiful when he smiled, and it became a drug I was always seeking. Over time, little by little, he started to trust me, and confide in me. He turned off the AM radio on our long drives and talked to me, not just about work.
One day he turned to me while we were driving, smiling about some stupid program he’d seen on TV the night before, and I realized that I was in love with him. I can’t say now when that happened, exactly, but in that moment I knew it, and that started the years of pushing it down, of going out with other men and pretending that he wasn’t the only one I wanted. It was so hard and heartbreaking, and I thought about asking to be reassigned dozens of times, but I couldn’t give up on the chance to be near him every day. As different as we were, he complimented me so perfectly that he became my equilibrium, the thing that grounded me to the place I was in space and time. I didn’t know how to exist without him. I was faced with an impossible choice; leave the bureau and try to have a happy life without the other half of my heart, or stay and resign to a life of pining for him across the console of our rental car. Of course there really wasn’t a choice. I could no sooner have left him than I could have chosen not to breathe anymore.
I’ve thought about that September night so many times, I can still remember the way his gingham table cloth felt under my fingertips as I nervously traced its pattern, waiting for the news I had been dreading for the last three years. He’d been seeing someone, and I just knew he was going to tell me it was getting serious, that they were getting engaged. I was afraid that I would cry, and he would ask me why, and then he’d know. He was sitting close, closer than most people would to their coworker, but that’s how we were. And he was telling me about this woman, Donna, and I felt so sick.
“I broke it off with her” he had said, and I looked at him, confused. “It just wasn’t right, Rogers. She’s a nice lady, but it just…it didn’t feel right. She’s not the one.”
I was so flooded with relief that I actually did start crying, and of course he was confused. Why would I be crying because he broke up with his girlfriend? He knelt down in front of me, and he held my hands in his, and he was just so sweet. He was always so sweet with me.
“Rogers, what’s wrong? Are you upset about Donna?”
I didn’t know what else to say, or how else to explain it, so I just nodded.
“I know we seemed like a good match, but she’s not the one. She’s the kind of person I always thought I’d end up with, but I’m realizing that I was wrong about what I wanted. About who I wanted.”
I looked at him then, at his crystal blue eyes. It felt like he was looking straight into my soul. He was searching my face like he was looking for an answer, but didn’t know what the question was.
“Bridget, have you ever just realized all of a sudden that everything you thought you knew was wrong?”
He called me by my first name. I nodded, and I thought of that moment in the car. And he was still looking all over my face, and at my mouth, and it felt like we were suspended in space, adrift in a moment that could never go forward or backward. Stuck until we made a choice. We had to make a choice.
He kissed me then, so softly, and we returned to Earth together, having found new ground. Having found each other. Even though we’d worked together and been best friends for 8 years, something entirely new was born that night, and we spent the next 20 years making up for the 8 we had wasted.
I was thinking about this at my retirement party, while the other agents ate grocery store cake and politely looked at photos of my grandchildren. When Agents Mulder and Scully walked in, I couldn’t suppress my smile. Agent Scully walked over to me with a secret smile on her lips, one she always sent my way when we were in the same room together. We had never spoken of our conversation in the bathroom last year, but she always went out of her way to say hi to me.
“Agent Hansen, congratulations” she said warmly, taking my hand in what felt more like a hand-hug than a handshake.
“Thank you, Agent Scully. I look forward to spending more time with my grandchildren.”
Agent Mulder walked up then. He sure was a handsome man, and somehow seemed to get better looking as the years went by.
“Agent Hansen, the time has come!” He said jovially. “I only wish Harry could be here retiring alongside you, he would have loved this little shindig.” There was heavy sarcasm in his tone; he knew Harry would have hated the fuss.
“You knew Harry Hansen?” Agent Scully asked him with genuine surprise.
“Of course, we worked together in VCU. I liked to give him a hard time. He reminded me a lot of you, actually” he said to Agent Scully with a gentle nudge of his elbow to her ribs.
“Sounds like he was a great guy” she joked, then “we have to catch a flight out for a case, Agent Hansen, but I wanted to come by and say goodbye. It’s been such a pleasure working with you.”
Agent Mulder looked at her a little quizzically, but I understood the meaning behind what she was saying. I shook her hand again, and held it in a little squeeze.
“I hope you’ll remember what I said” I told her, and she nodded once before they turned to leave. I was happy to be retiring, but I would miss watching them together and would always wonder if they ever found their way to each other.
A few months later, I was at the 7-11 picking up donuts for my grandsons when I heard a familiar voice in the next aisle. It was Agent Mulder, on his cell phone.
“Hey, sleepy head… It’s after 9, that’s hardly early… Well what were you doing staying up so late last night?” He chuckled, and the innuendo was clear even from the bit of the conversation I could hear. I felt sadness tug at my heart thinking that he was seeing someone, and how Agent Scully must feel. I knew exactly how she’d feel.
“We’ll I’m getting you breakfast now, and coffee, so hopefully that helps…I was thinking we could go to Annapolis tonight, there’s one of those movie in the park things, we could stop by and see your mom first…because no one in Annapolis knows us, so maybe you’ll actually be willing to be seen in public with me…you know what I mean, outside of work”
I couldn’t help but smile from my hiding spot behind the donut case. He was talking to Agent Scully.
“…well, think about and you can decide later….yes, I’ll be back in 15 minutes, go back to sleep if you want…Love you, bye.”
He paid and left, and an idea started cooking in my head. Annapolis wasn’t that far of a drive, and I didn’t exactly have an active social calendar. I just wanted to see them together again, one more time.
My plan had been to get there early so I’d be sure to catch them as they arrived, but through a combination of traffic, my own poor navigation skills (that had always been Harry’s strong suit) and lack of parking, I walked in to a full lawn and the previews already starting. Thankfully, her red hair was easy to spot and I found a place for my blanket just a few feet behind them. It was a little too close, and made the odds they would see and recognize me higher than I would have liked, but soon enough it was clear that it wouldn’t be an issue. They were in their very own universe, bordered by the ugly brown Aztec blanket they sat on. Agent Mulder was reclined against a cooler with Agent Scully between his legs, leaning against his torso like an Adirondack chair, his arms wrapped around her. He whispered in her ear and kissed her neck as she giggled. They looked more like two teenagers on a date than two federal agents and it reminded me of so many nights Harry and I snuck off for dates in some forgettable city after wrapping up a case, freed from the risk that someone from the bureau would see us together and report our relationship. Those were some of the most exciting times in my life, and watching them now…I felt the tears bubbling up in my eyes. They were happy tears, full of memories and love and hope. Full of the promise of a relationship forged in fire and turmoil, sealed by dedication and hard work. I knew I’d have to go visit Harry the next day and tell him all about it, and remember with him how clumsy and awkward we were in the beginning, peeling each other’s armor away slowly until it was just us, unguarded and vulnerable and the most seen we had ever been by another person, or ever would be again.
By the end of the movie, they were spooned together under the stars, the relative darkness allowing for a kind of public intimacy that would normally be out of place. She had fallen asleep, and Agent Mulder was watching her, tracing a finger along the shell of her ear before placing a kiss to her temple. He sighed and I could hear him whisper to no one in particular “my perfect opposite.”
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script-nef · 4 years ago
First kiss | Kirishima Eijirou
Request: Hi! Can u do the prompt of when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more with kirishima from BNHA! My boy is a gentleman THATS ALL I GOTTA SAY UGH SO MANLY
Sorry this took so long, I had an idea in mind but it didn’t seem to flow and boom, a new one came and this happened. I hope you like it!!
Category: crack? fluff
1.4k words; why doesn’t your loveable and affectionate boyfriend ever kiss you? It’s time to find out.
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Eijirou is an absolute gentleman, easily the best boyfriend you ever had. He’s incredibly attentive, lively, supportive and patient. Always free to give out affection in the form of hugs and small gifts, he makes sure to shower you with his feelings. You couldn’t ask for a better significant other.
But he doesn’t really kiss you for some reason. Small pecks, yes, but just on the nose or cheeks. Even then, nothing really longer or deeper than that. It never comes up in conversations since his unending love for you is proven through practically every other type of physical contact, but it’s confusing. You’d think he would fall over himself for a chance to kiss you. 
Concerns ranging from “do I have bad breath?” to “is he not sure of our relationship yet?” plague your thoughts, and it’s honestly emotionally taxing. And the worse thing is that you can’t ask him about it! Whenever you try to bring the topic up, he gives you that brilliant smile and the words die in your mouth. 
Curse him and his stupid, adorable, heavenly and squishable face. Ughhhh, why am I like this. I need hel— hm.
So instead of stewing it over by yourself, you turn to your girlfriends for their opinion.
“Are you kidding me? He’s in love with you so much we can feel it radiating from him! I thought I didn’t see you guys kissing because you’re too shy or something like that!”
“No, he just doesn’t. I don’t understand either, we’ve been going out for over half a year! Does he just hate kissing or is something about me off-putting and he’s not saying it to spare my feelings?” Groans escape as you fall onto the bed with a soft ‘thump’. The room is filled with muffled sounds as you press the pillow against your face. They watch as you roll over dejectedly on the blanket.
“I don’t think so, [Name]-chan. I overheard him talking about you once, kero. He was screaming to someone in his room about wanting to. I think he’s just nervous, kero.” Heat shoots up your face at her words and you scramble to face Tsuyu-chan.
“Re-really? Should I talk to him about it? He shouldn’t be nervous, he knows I love him.”
“You really should if it’s bothering you this much. Communication is key in relationships you know.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I should, I should.”
Which is why Eijirou notices your fidgeting in your weekly study session. It’s been a tradition between you two long before moving into the Heights Alliance. It’s usually composed of a couple of hours of studying with lots of mini breaks, then eventually watching YouTube videos or movies before you return to your room. 
This week’s session is cut short as he finally puts his pencil down after watching you glance or straight-up stare at him for at least 30 minutes.
“[Name]-chan, is something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” His hand seeks yours out, frown forming in worry. This face always gets you to open up. Even before you started dating, Eijirou had a special puppy-eyes-and-baby-pout of “please tell me what’s going on” that never failed to make you crack. Since he figured that out, he uses it relentlessly.
I have to say it. The words stop just before your throat but you force them out. 
“Don’t take this in a weird or wrong way, but why do you never, you know, kiss me?” He freezes at your question. His eyes visibly bounce around and the reaction is almost comical. You would have laughed if it weren’t for the anxiety gnawing away at every single cell in your body. “Is there something wrong with me, is that why?”
“Of course it’s not you, why would you ever think that? I love every single thing about you! It’s just…” Fiddling with your hand, he covers his face with the other and looks away. Red permeates through his skin and soon his whole face is the same colour as his hair. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop once I do, and think about my teeth, babe!” He pulls his lower lip down to reveal his razor sharp teeth. “What if it hurts and it’s just horrible for you? What kind of a boyfriend would hurt his girlfriend?” He rambles on with other excuses but they just fade into the background.
Dumbfoundedness overtakes you at his exclamation. This was the reason? You were literally ripping your hair out for weeks because of this?
“Eijirou, why didn’t you tell me this? You just said it, I’m your girlfriend. You should be able to tell me these kinds of things before deciding by yourself that I won’t like it. A-and what if I don’t want you to stop?” Heat rushes to your face at the last sentence, and worsens as Eijirou’s head snaps to you, eyes wide in disbelief. Your ears feel like it’s on fire and there’s a sensation of something clogging against your throat. Suddenly your lap looks beyond fascinating, and you focus your line of sight on that.
An awkward silence fills the room. The faint ticking from a clock is nearly deafening and adds even more tension. But somehow your heartbeat in your ears is even louder. His eyes feel like it’s digging into your skin. Your hands are still linked together, the contact nearly uncomfortable because you’re both sweating buckets. He doesn’t say anything. You don’t say anything either. This stretches on for minutes, but it feels like hours—no years. Leap years. Unending years which is trying to choke the life out of you at this moment.
Mission abort, mission abort. Houston, we are having a major problem here. Houston, Houston are you listening oh my god I’m panicking why did I say that ughhhhh what if he thinks I’m weird now well that was never a secret but I am dying inside welp this is it I guess I’ll di— 
“Do you… want me to kiss you?” Eijirou’s grip tightens on your hand. Every muscle in your body locks into place, making you as still as a statue. “[Name]-chan? Are you— are you fine with me kissing you?”
When you slowly lift your head, Eijirou’s imploring eyes are staring right back at you, blazing red with a hint of… hope? His fingers gently tap on the back of your hand when you don’t respond, and he shuffles closer and closer to you. Until you can feel his hitched breaths against your face. His eyes shift nervously to yours. “Tell— tell me if you want me to stop.” And with that, he slowly leans in to close the gap between your lips. 
Wait what. Wait what? My mind is not functioning, is this happening? Is this actually happening right now? Wait no wait but don’t wait oh my god his face is so close this is it oh god my heart waitwaitwai— 
Eijirou’s lips finally connect with yours, and the feeling in your chest is… indescribable. He’s so soft, so much more than when he pecks your forehead or cheeks. He’s not very good at it, clearly stiff and frozen against your mouth, but since you’re the same, who’s to complain?
Eventually, he relaxes enough to press on more, emboldened by your lack of refusal. The sound of your lips pressing against each other intermingles with the clock’s ticks until it almost synchronises. His hands cup your face, thumbs lightly brushing over your cheeks. He gently nibbles on your lower lips, tongue gliding against the skin. You revel in the sweet sensation until pain pricks and the taste of iron invades your taste buds. 
Immediately detaching himself from you, Eijirou stares at your bleeding lip with horror in his face. You can almost see the regret and self-hatred screaming in his head. Apologies start spewing out but you really can’t care less right now.
“Eijirou, it’s fine! Come back here.” He doesn’t make any other moves than to continue saying sorry. It rushes out, rapid and nearly tear-ridden, so you take the initiative this time and press a kiss, ignoring the annoying taste of blood. He reciprocates for a split second but pulls away yet again. 
“I’m sorry, are you sure you-” His back thuds against the floor as your mouth reconnects with his arms coiling around his neck. His fingers dig into your ribs to stabilise your body on top of his before one slithers to your neck. 
The kiss fest lasts until Aizawa-sensei knocks on the door to remind the lights-out time.
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official-weasley · 4 years ago
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 5, Ch. 8
Chapter 8 - Career Advice Match
It seemed like we were standing in the Forest, embraced, for hours. Neither of us indicated that we wanted to move. I certainly didn't mind. It didn't matter to me if we would stand there forever.
“It's getting late.” Charlie whispered in my ear. I looked up and noticed that it was almost nighttime.
“Yeah.” I chuckled but didn't let go of him.
“You know if we try really hard we can walk to the Castle like this.” He said gently. I pulled away but just a little bit.
“I think we are both too clumsy for that not to end in an accident.” He laughed and we slowly made our way back.
We didn't talk but I preferred it that way. I knew we would need a couple of days to process everything and go back to the way things were. I couldn't help to think that something changed with us in the Forest. I don't think things between us will ever be the same, but not in a bad way. We felt more grown-up.
We made our way to the Great Hall as we realized we just might catch dinner. I saw our friends sitting together and Penny spotted us at once. She nudged Tulip who nudged Tonks and they all turned to us.
“Please, tell us that this is all over and we can go back to being friends?” Tonks tried to decipher our faces.
“We're okay.” Charlie pulled me in a half hug, looked at me, and smiled.
“Oh, thank Merlin! I couldn't take any more of this.” Penny pressed her hand on her chest. Neither could I. I think we were all relieved that it was finally over.
“Sit down you two.” Bill frowned at us and we sat down immediately. “Now, I won't be here next year and I don't want to get any letters that you two are having problems again, got it?” We both nodded as if a parent was scolding us.
“Your friendship is too important for fights like this and I will make Penny, Tonks, and Tulip write to me if you are being stubborn again!” We nodded again.
“Good.” His face went from a serious one to a big grin. “Nice talk.” Tulip and Penny giggled.
“Did you yell at her, Charlie?” Tonks asked, frowning at me.
“No, Tonks. We forgave each other.” Charlie smiled. He was so calm and there was something different about him but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.
“Something you should've done 14 days ago.” Jae rolled his eyes.
“We know. We're sorry we had to put you through this.” I apologized and leaned on Charlie's shoulder. How good it was to do that again.
“Are you children ready for your O.W.L.s?” Bill grinned at us and Penny looked like she was about to cry.
“We still have time!” Tonks said, of course. We all laughed.
I missed my friends so much and I made a promise to myself that I will never take them for granted again or do anything as stupid. I loved our lot too much to make such a mistake again.
“I think we're going to do just fine.” I said.
As I predicted, things started to get back to normal after a week. I still wasn't able to play Quidditch because of my back and I was happy my Team, except Skye, understood that we would end up in the last place. To be honest, I didn't miss it much at all. I much rather hung out with my friends at the stands cheering for Charlie. I was sure he was going to become Captain next year, he was brilliant! Nobody was really surprised when they won the Quidditch House Cup for the third year in a row. Having Charlie as Seeker was the best decision they made in years.
Tulip and Jae started sneaking into the Kitchens, their favorite spot for studying as Penny still didn't know how to get inside. They also managed to convince Tonks to come with them and she actually studied something else than Herbology for a change.
Penny spent most of her time in the Library with Bill and Andre. Bill was doing much better with N.E.W.T.s than he was with his O.W.L.s. I think that internship with my dad calmed his nerves and helped him realize that grades aren't everything. Andre was doing so much better with Transfiguration that I had no doubt he will pass the examination.
Charlie and I were partners again in Care of Magical Creatures and we went back to sitting together in Transfiguration and History of Magic. I caught myself staring at him a couple of times in Professor Binns' class as he was snoozing, his head on his arms. He was cuter than a Crup puppy.
Our favorite place to study was down at the Lake. It was getting warmer and we couldn't resist catching some sun rays. We were doing good and I don't think I was so confident about my exams last year as I was about O.W.L.s.
When we weren't studying we were either reading books together, talked about our Career Advice Meeting which was fast approaching, or quizzed each other on animals. We also paid a visit to Hagrid a couple of times and apologized for not seeing him almost all year. Good as he is, he completely understood that we were too busy.
On the day of our Career Advice Meeting, we were all nervous. Penny was shaking at the Ravenclaw Table, while the rest of us were trying to eat some breakfast.
“Get off it Pen, did you ever see Sprout bite?” Tonks said. I think Penny was making her nervous.
“No, but her plants might.” She responded. Tulip and I chuckled.
“You want to be a Potioneer Penny and you have never gotten a lower grade than an O in that class.” I tried to calm her down.
“Out of all of us, you have least to worry about, don't you think.” Charlie said calmly. He was so calm lately like everything was right in the world and I couldn't help but agree with him. Now that we were back to normal, everything indeed was right in the world. I still couldn't believe what an idiot I was and even though my friends forgave me, I haven't forgiven myself for what I've done. Every time Charlie looks at me, I remind myself how lucky I am to have him in my life and I know I will never do anything to harm our relationship again.
After breakfast, I wished Jae and Charlie good luck as they made their way to McGonagall's office. Tulip and I hugged Tonks and Penny, who was still shaking, and went to Professor Flitwick's office while they made their way down to the Greenhouses.
“Miss Blackwood!” I heard Flitwick calling my name. I stood up and winked at Tulip.
“Sit, Miss Blackwood, sit!” He squeaked. I love his voice!
“So, let us see.” He looked at a piece of parchment in his hands. I think he had my grades on it. “Exceptional in Charms, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Art.” He lowered the parchment and beamed at me. “Do I need to go on?” That made me relax a bit.
“Thank you, professor.” I smiled.
“So, what are your plans for your career, Miss Blackwood?” He sat down on a big pile of books.
“I want to be a Magizoologist.” I grinned.
“Really?” He asked, bewildered. “Pardon me for saying so, but that would be a waste of your Transfiguration talent.”
“Oh, it's quite alright, Professor. I believe Professor McGonagall used the same exact words when I told her what I want to become.” I smiled. It didn't offend me. I knew I was good at Charms and Transfiguration but talent can't beat my love for animals.
“You see,” I cleared my throat, “I wanted to be the second Newt Scamander since I was 4. I discovered my secret talent for Transfiguration in my First Year here and as much as I love the subject nothing can stop me from following my dreams.” I said proudly.
“I agree with you on that.” He corrected his glasses. “In that case, you would have to get an O in Care of Magical Creatures. Outstanding would also be preferable In Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, depending what path you will take...” He looked from the list to me.
“Oh, I haven't figured that out yet, Professor. I was thinking of checking out my options next year.” I said quickly. Besides knowing exactly what I wanted to be, I had no idea where would I work or what branch of Magizoology would I like the most. I wasn't like Charlie who knew since he was 6 that he wanted to work in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.
“Very well.” Flitwick seemed disappointed. Not to brag but I knew I was one of his favorite students, but that's not going to change my mind. If my mum could come around to it, as she was hoping I would follow in her footsteps and become an Auror like her, then so can my teachers.
“I would then say that this is all. I have nothing to advise you, if you are so certain what you want to do, Miss Blackwood.” He smiled at me and stood up. “I can, however, ask Professor Kettleburn to give you some suggestions next year, if you'd like. It's unlikely that the students have the Career Advice Meeting with anyone other than their Head of House, but I would like to make an exception.” He winked.
“Thank you, Professor. I would appreciate that very much!” I shook his hand and exited his office.
“That was quick.” Tulip bit her lip. I knew she was nervous. Unlike me, she didn't know what she wanted to be at all. I think today was the first day that it actually hit her that we only have 2 more years to go.
“It's not a big deal. Perhaps, he would be able to advise you more than me.” I frowned.
“Was he disappointed that you didn't want to pursue anything with Charms?” Tulip giggled.
“And Transfiguration for that matter! He was not pleased at all.” I chuckled.
“Miss Karasu!” Flitwick called.
“Got to go! Meet you in the Great Hall?” I nodded and she went inside his office.
“Hi, Blackwood!” I grinned when I recognized the voice.
“William!” I exclaimed.
“You will never get over the fact that my full name is William, will you?” Bill rolled his eyes.
“WILL I?” I mocked and poked his ribs with my elbow. “What's your problem anyway, it's a nice name.”
“I prefer Bill.” He said after he thought about it for a second.
“True, it is sexier.” I winked at him. He stopped walking for a second and looked at me with his mouth open. I loved messing with him so much.
“I don't understand why you were so afraid of the Career Advice Meeting, Bill.” I changed the subject and he hurried to catch up with me. “It was a piece of cake.”
“I overreacted, okay?” He was still blushing from my earlier comment.
“You don't say.” I chuckled, put my arm around his shoulder and we entered the Great Hall.
“Guess what!” Tonks and Penny sat down on the opposite side of Bill, Jae, and me.
“What did you find out Tonks?” Her grin was unusually big.
“Hi, everyone.” Charlie sat down next to me. “That was the quickest meeting if I ever attended one.” He was beaming. Of course, he didn't have any problems. He had good grades and he needed O's in similar subjects than I did.
“Charlie, sorry to disturb your happy mo, but Tonks asked us to guess something.” I giggled. He blushed, realizing he disturbed us, and wrapped his hands around me, pulled me closer to him and nestled his chin against my shoulder, silent.
“If I continue with my grades as they are, I might get my dream job!” She lifted her hands in the air and left us all puzzled. I just realized that I had no idea what she wanted to do after school.
“And that would be?” Jae encouraged her to tell us more.
“I would need to do very good in Potions.” She looked at Penny, to indicate that she will need her help. “Defense Against the Dark Arts, which I am already quite good at. Transfiguration, which greatly improved since Nova's lectures and I am quite brilliant in Charms this year.” She beamed at us. I looked around the table. Everybody stared at her, bewildered.
“Hi, everyone.” Tulip finally joined us. “Why does everybody look like that?” She asked when she saw our faces.
“I just told them that Sprout told me I might be qualified for my dream job if I do well on my O.W.L.s!” Tonks explained.
“Really?” Squealed Tulip. “You'll be able to become an Auror?”
“An Auror?” Bill, Charlie, and I said in unison. Tonks wanted to become an Auror. I wouldn't have guessed in a million years.
“You didn't know she wants to be an Auror?” Tulip asked, puzzled. Apparently, she was the only one.
“I reckoned you knew.” Tonks scratched her nose. We all shook our heads as she rarely talked about anything else than things that can get you in trouble. Kind of ironic to think she wanted to become someone who is the exact opposite of that.
“Auror training is pretty demanding and you will have to spend a lot more time with your nose in the books rather than in Filch's Office, you know.” Penny said.
“I know, I know. I started studying and I am doing fine. Seriously, why are all of you so surprised?” She frowned.
“Well,” Charlie pulled away from me, “you always did so good in Herbology, we thought that maybe you would do something in that direction.” He scratched the back of his head.
“One of Nova's favorite subjects is Transfiguration and you don't see her applying for McGonagall's position.” She pointed at me.
“She's right, you know. Good for you, Tonks.” I gave her a thumbs up.
“I have you lot to thank. Wouldn't be able to do it without you!” Tonks grinned at us all and Tulip and Penny pulled her into a hug.
Penny then told us all about her meeting. There were no surprises there as a Potioneer she needed to do good in Potions which was the least of her concerns and it would also do her good to get an O in Herbology, for which she is confident won't be a problem.
Then we all looked at Tulip. I knew that she wouldn't want to work in her mum's coffee shop and she couldn't prank people for money. I knew she was smart and she loved Astronomy so perhaps she would like to pursue something in that direction. If I would have to guess I would see her as the next Minister of Magic. Wouldn't that be chaotic!
“I would rather not talk about mine.” She tried avoiding our eyes.
“C'mon Tulip, don't be shy.” Charlie encouraged her.
“Easy for you to say Mr. Weasley the Dragonologist. I have no idea what I want to do.” She frowned, worried.
“I don't either.” Jae grinned. “Perhaps we can work it out in the Kitchens.” He nodded his head towards the door and they stood up and left without saying another word.
“You reckon they're doing it?” Tonks asked innocently and completely out of the blue. Penny wanted to get up and leave but Tonks grabbed her arm and pushed her back down to sit. She even caught me off guard and I was pretty used to her asking blunt questions. This time, she left me speechless.
Bill was so stunned by the question that a piece of fries got stuck in his throat. Charlie, who was trying to act casual about the awkward situation but couldn't hide his red face, turned to Bill and saved his life with one slap on the back. Since when was Charlie so strong? I looked at his arms and I never noticed how muscular he has gotten in the last year or was he always like this and I didn't notice?
“Wha-?” Tonks asked.
“Don't you think, they went to talk about their careers?” Bill asked.
“Oh, William,” he frowned at me as I used his full name again, “you are too innocent.” Then I turned to Tonks. “And no, Tonks I don't reckon they're doing it. I do, however,” I leaned across the table to Penny and Tonks, “think he is going to ask her on a date.”
Penny gasped and Tonks looked disappointed.
“Ah, give it a year and you're going to answer with a yes to my question.” Tonks winked at us. Bill coughed again and I couldn't help but laugh. I will miss him next year.
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